
Temps and Gas Prices Are Dropping

Departure Time: 7:11
Arrival Time: 8:02
Weather as I call it: Sunny but Cooler still
Paper Guy: It isn't Autumn until Paper Guy wears a jacket. He wasn't wearing a jacket today.
Shady Gas Price: $2.53 (I saw $2.17 in town)
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No


I was diligent on the roads today...My eyes did not stray from the road...

Here are some of the things I saw while I was paying attention:

I was behind Mother Teresa in a Suburu wagon. She let everybody cut in front of her. I wasn't too upset since it didn't slow me down all that much. The people who cut in drove fast. It was if Mother Teresa only let in the quick....she had a sixth sense.

I saw Paper Guy make a sale today. He has some fast hands...the coin/paper switcheroo is serious business.

Gas prices are going down...commuters are getting into their rhythm...Good times.

1 comment:

JB said...

Have you actually bought a paper from Paper Guy? Maybe this should the next level you take the blog to.