
The Busy Season

Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:54
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool...I had dew on all my car windows...
Paper Guy: Talking to some dude who was pulled over on the other side of the street. Connecting with customers, I like it.
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nope


Cooler temperatures bring back many things:

  • School buses
  • Hot coffee
  • Traffic tie-ups

One thing I haven't mentioned is increased paper guy sales. He's been selling newspapers left and right this week. During the summer, I didn't see a lot of sales happen while I was at the light. Many times, I was driving by him as fast as I could so I could make the green light...

Now that the streets are clogged with a larger number of commuters and people who read; i.e. college students, Paper guy is cleaning up. If it puts more money in that guy's pocket, I will sit through a couple more jams for him.

This is the busy season, Paper Guy. Capitalize on it now because soon it will be winter and people won't want to roll down their windows to buy a newspaper...no matter what the news is.

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