Hello faithful readers!
I haven't updated this blog for a bit, but I have news to report. I have changed jobs yet again. I think since September 2005, I have had 3 different work places to commute to...now I will be adding another.
I took a job in downtown Boston and I am taking the commuter rail in from N. Billerica.
The past week and a half have been ok so far. There was a late/slow train last Wednesday...but for the most part it has been problem free.
It has taken me a bit to get used to it. I don't like spending around 300 bucks a month just to get to work, but that is the reality.
So in 2010, we'll get it going for real. I need to make some changes to the post template, and after that you'll start seeing posts about my adventures on public transportation.
Ever onward!
Departure Time:
Arrival Time:
Weather as I call it:
Shady Gas Price:
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10):
Feared for my life:
Yes, driving to work in Boston. Just one man's daily report from the world of morning commuting...
Changes Are Afoot
New Year,
Winter Break
Beer At Work
Driving to work this morning...and I have beer for a holiday beer swap.
The brew I have was brewed with a lot of munich malt so it should be nice and malty. A perfect brew for winter time.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cold but sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The brew I have was brewed with a lot of munich malt so it should be nice and malty. A perfect brew for winter time.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cold but sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
free stuff
Whoa Ho! Snow!
We got our first major snowfall this morning. Not a big deal...not at all...
Why people act as if they have amnesia and don't remember how to deal/drive in snow is beyond me.
I made it to work within 10 minutes of when I normally get here. So weird.
Anyhoo. Be careful out there, you forgetful ones.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Snow
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nope
Why people act as if they have amnesia and don't remember how to deal/drive in snow is beyond me.
I made it to work within 10 minutes of when I normally get here. So weird.
Anyhoo. Be careful out there, you forgetful ones.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Snow
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nope
Chickens and Falling Branches
Today on my drive to work I saw a yard full of chickens...yeah, chickens.
They must have gotten out of the pen. They were clucking on the front lawn...pretty close to a busy street. Their owner better wake up and see wha' happened.
I also had to avoid large tree branches on the road. The wind and rain had brought them down. People in front of me were freaking out.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Wind, rain, branches, chickens
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
They must have gotten out of the pen. They were clucking on the front lawn...pretty close to a busy street. Their owner better wake up and see wha' happened.
I also had to avoid large tree branches on the road. The wind and rain had brought them down. People in front of me were freaking out.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Wind, rain, branches, chickens
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
November Rain
No leaves on the trees. Wet forests seen through the mist.
Road were dry for the most part except for some big puddles along the way.
Thanksgiving is coming up. I am looking forward to not driving anywhere and inviting people over the house for a big meal.
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Some dampness. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Road were dry for the most part except for some big puddles along the way.
Thanksgiving is coming up. I am looking forward to not driving anywhere and inviting people over the house for a big meal.
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Some dampness. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Interesting Roadkill
It's kinda bad that the sight of roadkill is getting me to type-ah-type-ah-type-ah on this bloggie again. Anyway, I saw a dead beaver on the side of the road this morning. It was pretty cool...well, not because it was dead but because I don't think I have seen one in the wild before. I have seen their lodges but never saw one walking or swimming around.
Sorry I couldn't see you alive...hope your family is coping.
Departure Time: 6:57
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cold 30s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Sorry I couldn't see you alive...hope your family is coping.
Departure Time: 6:57
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cold 30s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Sleeping My Day Away
Man, I have a hard time staying asleep at night. Usually it's one of the kids that wakes me up. In this case, my eyes just popped open at 3:30 and stay open for a while.
I did get some sleep before the alarm went off. I had some dreams of riding in a helicopter trying to do some mid-flight fuel link-up with another larger helicopter.
Although drowsy on the drive to work, I didn't harm anybody or myself...that I know of.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I did get some sleep before the alarm went off. I had some dreams of riding in a helicopter trying to do some mid-flight fuel link-up with another larger helicopter.
Although drowsy on the drive to work, I didn't harm anybody or myself...that I know of.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Every Day Is a Gift
My wife and I say that to each other in a deadpan voice...right around the time both kids start to lose it around bedtime.
Every day is a gift.
It makes us laugh. It's nice to say when you are walking out of the house and into the cold and gray.
Drive was fine today. Some forceful merging at points. The Rte. 495 exit down the street from Chelmsford center is always a little spicy in the morning. A dude in an old Mercedes decided it was time for him to join traffic without asking or thanking.
I was able to take the shortcut to get around the construction need Bedford center...which made up for any earlier issues.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 35°F
Shady Gas Price: $2.57 - Yikes!
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2.5
Feared for my life: Nah
Every day is a gift.
It makes us laugh. It's nice to say when you are walking out of the house and into the cold and gray.
Drive was fine today. Some forceful merging at points. The Rte. 495 exit down the street from Chelmsford center is always a little spicy in the morning. A dude in an old Mercedes decided it was time for him to join traffic without asking or thanking.
I was able to take the shortcut to get around the construction need Bedford center...which made up for any earlier issues.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 35°F
Shady Gas Price: $2.57 - Yikes!
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2.5
Feared for my life: Nah
When It's Not Raining Or Cold
You know, when it's not raining or cold, driving around this ol' state of MA during this time of year can have a calming effect on somebody.
I had that feeling today while driving. I was looking at the trees and the still water of the rivers and I felt at peace.
The cool air, the stillness, the silence.
When you don't have the extreme conditions of way below average temps and downpouring rain, it can be a real pleasure.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cool, 40s, Partly sunny
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I had that feeling today while driving. I was looking at the trees and the still water of the rivers and I felt at peace.
The cool air, the stillness, the silence.
When you don't have the extreme conditions of way below average temps and downpouring rain, it can be a real pleasure.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cool, 40s, Partly sunny
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Wet Leaves On Windshield
Man, too much snow too early. Not that there was any to shovel or wipe off my car, but mid-October is too early for snow. Yeah, too early.
I did have a lot of leaves on the windshield. I needed to remove many of them with my hand. My wipers were only effective on 40% of them.
The other few that were left the wind removed after driving for about 20 minutes.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy - cold 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.45
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I did have a lot of leaves on the windshield. I needed to remove many of them with my hand. My wipers were only effective on 40% of them.
The other few that were left the wind removed after driving for about 20 minutes.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy - cold 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.45
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Voting Day
I stopped off at the ol' polling booths to vote on a couple of questions.
There is a few proposals that the townspeople were asked to vote on. It involved adjusting Prop. 2 1/2 and increasing our taxes. It was a hard choice and I will leave it at that.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool.
Shady Gas Price: $2.45 - post Labor day slump.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
There is a few proposals that the townspeople were asked to vote on. It involved adjusting Prop. 2 1/2 and increasing our taxes. It was a hard choice and I will leave it at that.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool.
Shady Gas Price: $2.45 - post Labor day slump.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Reckless Teens
Crazy Friday driving out there. A bunch of teens in beat up cars passing people and tailgating and trying to cause accidents. It was crazy out there this morning.
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cool, High 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No, but crazed
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cool, High 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No, but crazed
4 Years
I have been blogging for 4 years. Lots of driving and lots of riding.
1 accident
3 Jobs
Big Dig collapse
Sox championship
Celtics championship
Superbowl loss
Puke on the T
Boston Now comes and goes
$2.99 a gallon gas price
I think I am going to take a pause for a while. I am glad I had the opportunity to write about driving to work for this period of time.
So...goodbye for now...I am sure it will be a short goodbye since something interesting always happens in the morning.
Departure Time: When I left my house
Arrival Time: When I got to work
Weather as I call it: Favorable
Shady Gas Price: Not as cheap as it should be
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2.163293450
Feared for my life: Always
1 accident
3 Jobs
Big Dig collapse
Sox championship
Celtics championship
Superbowl loss
Puke on the T
Boston Now comes and goes
$2.99 a gallon gas price
I think I am going to take a pause for a while. I am glad I had the opportunity to write about driving to work for this period of time.
So...goodbye for now...I am sure it will be a short goodbye since something interesting always happens in the morning.
Departure Time: When I left my house
Arrival Time: When I got to work
Weather as I call it: Favorable
Shady Gas Price: Not as cheap as it should be
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2.163293450
Feared for my life: Always
Again With The Wild Turkeys
This time there was a rafter of turkeys in my back yard. My wife called me to the window where we saw 5 turkeys walking around our fence. There seemed to be larger turkeys in my neighbor's yard. I think they were the parents.
Drive was good today. Tomorrow is a special day.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Drive was good today. Tomorrow is a special day.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Don't Forget
A few years before I starting blogging about getting to work...there was an attack on America...that threw our normal routines into chaos...and destroyed our sense of security and ended lives.
Writing about the routine reminds me how precious that can be...because it wasn't fun when it was smashed to bits that day...
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, cooler, low 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Not today
Writing about the routine reminds me how precious that can be...because it wasn't fun when it was smashed to bits that day...
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, cooler, low 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Not today
Long Drive Because Of Tardiness
I had a long drive because I got out of bed late and I hit the roads late.
With all the school buses and the children and extra cars, it made for a lot of stop and go.
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:54
Weather as I call it: Sunny cool 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: Nah
With all the school buses and the children and extra cars, it made for a lot of stop and go.
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:54
Weather as I call it: Sunny cool 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: Nah
Wake Up Naturally
I have been setting my alarm for a much later time...like 8:00 and letting it act as a fail safe.
That way, I can wake up more naturally.
It's been sorta working. I feel more awake in the morning. Certainly makes the drive a little bit better.
Long weekend...thank goodness...
Departure Time:
Arrival Time:
Weather as I call it:
Shady Gas Price:
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10):
Feared for my life:
That way, I can wake up more naturally.
It's been sorta working. I feel more awake in the morning. Certainly makes the drive a little bit better.
Long weekend...thank goodness...
Departure Time:
Arrival Time:
Weather as I call it:
Shady Gas Price:
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10):
Feared for my life:
Slept In A Bit This Morning
I have been feeling a bit sleepy this week. During the day, I feel like taking a nap. Maybe it's the change in the seasons.
Maybe I just can't hack this 6 hour sleep schedule...day in and day out.
So I slept in a bit. I stayed in bed for an extra half hour.
I left the house about half hour later than usual. Traffic wasn't too much different...and actually, it was better than yesterday.
Departure Time: 7:32
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cool, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Maybe I just can't hack this 6 hour sleep schedule...day in and day out.
So I slept in a bit. I stayed in bed for an extra half hour.
I left the house about half hour later than usual. Traffic wasn't too much different...and actually, it was better than yesterday.
Departure Time: 7:32
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Cool, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Coffee School Gasoline Work
Coffee School Gasoline Work. Those are the items that made up my morning.
Not necessarily in that order.
The school buses and school children are clogging things up. Every year, there is a slow transition from summer time fun to bearing down and getting back to normal.
The transition will be a bit prolonged this year as school seems to be starting in spurts. Next week should be slow as well.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny Cool 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Not necessarily in that order.
The school buses and school children are clogging things up. Every year, there is a slow transition from summer time fun to bearing down and getting back to normal.
The transition will be a bit prolonged this year as school seems to be starting in spurts. Next week should be slow as well.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny Cool 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Tango Grill Cafe
I had breakfast at the Tango Grill Cafe. The Tango omelet was good. I got home fries, half grilled and half fried...should have got them all fried. They were crispier and tastier.
The toast came slathered with margarine, which wasn't a negative issue with me.
The huge urn of coffee wasn't bad either.
All together, I give it an 8.5 out of 10. They are opening for dinner on Friday and Saturday nights. Hopefully they can pack 'em in.
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and cool. 55F
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The toast came slathered with margarine, which wasn't a negative issue with me.
The huge urn of coffee wasn't bad either.
All together, I give it an 8.5 out of 10. They are opening for dinner on Friday and Saturday nights. Hopefully they can pack 'em in.
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and cool. 55F
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Increase of Bike Commuters
Lots of bikes in the Bedford/Lexington area. It's gotta be the Minuteman Trail. People have to be hooking up with that to ride into Boston.
Pretty cool if you have a shower on premise...I wouldn't be able to ride a bike and not be a sweaty mess at my desk.
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Mid 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Pretty cool if you have a shower on premise...I wouldn't be able to ride a bike and not be a sweaty mess at my desk.
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Mid 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
More Cars Mean More Time
It was pretty light on traffic this summer, natch...but I think the time is over for that.
There are definitely more cars on the road.
I think we'll start seeing school buses...soon.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little less humid than the last few days.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
There are definitely more cars on the road.
I think we'll start seeing school buses...soon.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little less humid than the last few days.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
FrontEnd Loader of Death
Ahhh!! I was driving south on Route 4 in Chelmsford around Mill Pond when I saw a frontend loader with a bunch of long pipes in its bucket coming right for me...!

He was in the middle of the road. I had to slow down and pull over...
Got a little hairy there. I thought I was in for it.
Changes the ol' status on the 'feared for my life' line.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy...some hazy sun. High 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: For a moment there.

He was in the middle of the road. I had to slow down and pull over...
Got a little hairy there. I thought I was in for it.
Changes the ol' status on the 'feared for my life' line.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy...some hazy sun. High 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: For a moment there.
I Don't Know The Effects Of The Heat
A few jobs ago, I remember driving to work during a heat wave and people on the roads were really cranky.
It was an awful driving experience. People were beeping and yelling and looking angry.
Since I don't drive with as many people, I am not sure if the heat is affecting many people.
It didn't seem that hot this morning.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Hazy sun. 70s
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It was an awful driving experience. People were beeping and yelling and looking angry.
Since I don't drive with as many people, I am not sure if the heat is affecting many people.
It didn't seem that hot this morning.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Hazy sun. 70s
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
More Deer
I saw a big doe run in front of me on the way to work. I think it was sorta hobbling. It didn't seem to be in the best of health. I am not sure if it was hurt or half awake or what.
Departure Time: 6:51
Arrival Time: 7:19
Weather as I call it: Hazy sun, low 70s, just sticky.
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Departure Time: 6:51
Arrival Time: 7:19
Weather as I call it: Hazy sun, low 70s, just sticky.
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Thanks For Pulling In Front Of Me
While driving this morning, two cars decided to press their luck and pull out in front of me to take their left turns. I tooted my horn at them both since that is what I do. If you are going to be bold like that, then you should make haste....not take your time and make things dangerous for everyone.
Other than that, the wet roads and the cloudy skies didn't deter me much.
I did run a red light at Drum Hill. I am sorry...but I thought I could make the yellow light and failed...
Off tomorrow. See you around the roads.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, a little drizzly here and there, low 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3.5
Feared for my life: No
Other than that, the wet roads and the cloudy skies didn't deter me much.
I did run a red light at Drum Hill. I am sorry...but I thought I could make the yellow light and failed...
Off tomorrow. See you around the roads.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, a little drizzly here and there, low 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3.5
Feared for my life: No
Goodbye WBCN
I have been listening to the last hours of WBCN airplay over the past couple of days driving to work. Not sure why things change, but they do...always.
Radio as a medium is dying...but I think all one way, mass communications are dying...or at least changing.
Thanks for all the good times and some bad times...when I worked there :)
Goodbye WBCN. I will miss you.

Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy. Humid. High 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Radio as a medium is dying...but I think all one way, mass communications are dying...or at least changing.
Thanks for all the good times and some bad times...when I worked there :)
Goodbye WBCN. I will miss you.

Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy. Humid. High 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The 3 Hs
This morning was sticky. It's gonna get worse today.
Seemed to be a lot of people on the roads today.
Are people not on vacation any more? I had some good summer driving over the past few weeks.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: See above
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
This morning was sticky. It's gonna get worse today.
Seemed to be a lot of people on the roads today.
Are people not on vacation any more? I had some good summer driving over the past few weeks.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: See above
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Gas Prices Back Up
Just in time for Labor Day traveling, the gas prices are going back up.
It was holding at $2.47 for a while there. But now it's up 12 cents.
I wonder if we will see prices under 2 dollars a gallon again?
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:24
Weather as I call it: Sunny, milder.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
It was holding at $2.47 for a while there. But now it's up 12 cents.
I wonder if we will see prices under 2 dollars a gallon again?
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:24
Weather as I call it: Sunny, milder.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Construction Didn't Last That Long
I forgot to mention in my last post that the route I usually take to get to work has reopened to "non-local" traffic.
The road is uneven in many places, but it's not too troublesome.
Aesthetically, it's not pleasing...but they got the new sewer line in.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny, humid
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The road is uneven in many places, but it's not too troublesome.
Aesthetically, it's not pleasing...but they got the new sewer line in.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny, humid
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Make Way For Emergency Vehicles
On the way to work this morning, I had to pull over for a police cruiser and a fire vehicle (not a full blown fire truck, but a smaller SUV-ish truck with fire truck colors and lights).
They went to a residence where there was a scene with a family with a baby on the front lawn. They were speaking with some of the emergency technicians.
It may have been an emergency at one point but by the time the crews got there, it seemed to be not so bad.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
They went to a residence where there was a scene with a family with a baby on the front lawn. They were speaking with some of the emergency technicians.
It may have been an emergency at one point but by the time the crews got there, it seemed to be not so bad.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
At Some Point I Will
...need to get new tires. Like a friend of mine (at least on Facebook) once said, "God Bless Tires." Not sure what that means...but I think he wanted to give thanks that we had rubber wheels on the car after we rolled over a large pothole.
But no matter what my friend wanted God to bless, I still need to get new tires since mine are bald and I won't survive the winter....if they are not replaced.
How's that for prophecies? Take that, Nostradamus!
Departure Time: 7:14
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Gloomy. Summer of '09 has it in spades
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
But no matter what my friend wanted God to bless, I still need to get new tires since mine are bald and I won't survive the winter....if they are not replaced.
How's that for prophecies? Take that, Nostradamus!
Departure Time: 7:14
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Gloomy. Summer of '09 has it in spades
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
My A/C is Cranking!
I am glad it's summer...but I am really glad that my A/C is working well. It was pretty chilly in my car.
The wild turkeys were out again. They tend to hang around this one house and sleep on the car out front. I wonder what the tenants think.
Anyway, I think I need to take a few days off. I haven't had a vacation in a while. The drive isn't bad, but the routine is.
Departure Time: 7:05
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little mugggy, high 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The wild turkeys were out again. They tend to hang around this one house and sleep on the car out front. I wonder what the tenants think.
Anyway, I think I need to take a few days off. I haven't had a vacation in a while. The drive isn't bad, but the routine is.
Departure Time: 7:05
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little mugggy, high 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Fern's Country Store
I stopped to get some breakfast at Fern's Country Store. It was great. I got a medium coffee and a few pastries. The chocolate croissant was delicious. It was filled with a rich ganache that got better with every bite.
I am glad my route has been diverted. I would have never experienced this place if it hadn't been for Route 4 construction.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Rain. Heavy rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Some big puddles. No big deal.
I am glad my route has been diverted. I would have never experienced this place if it hadn't been for Route 4 construction.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Rain. Heavy rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Some big puddles. No big deal.
Breakfast For Tomorrow
There is a general store in Carlisle Center called Fern's. They have coffee and bagels and pastries...
I think I will go there tomorrow. Sweet treats.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I think I will go there tomorrow. Sweet treats.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Not Much In Carlisle
I am comfortable with my diverted commute. I think I have added a mile or so to my distance but my gas tank doesn't seem to mind much.
I wish there were more breakfast places on this new route. In Carlisle, there just seems to be more trees, farms, and trees on the main road. Even the post office has a nice lawn.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Steady rain, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I wish there were more breakfast places on this new route. In Carlisle, there just seems to be more trees, farms, and trees on the main road. Even the post office has a nice lawn.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Steady rain, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.47
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Number One Dad
I saw a guy taking out his trash this morning. He was wearing a Bruins shirt with the slogan #1 Dad on the back.
I will need to verify my standing. I thought I was THE number one Dad.
Anyway, that guy is probably excited about the Bruins playing at Fenway.
I am.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little humid this morning.
Shady Gas Price: $2.51
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I will need to verify my standing. I thought I was THE number one Dad.
Anyway, that guy is probably excited about the Bruins playing at Fenway.
I am.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little humid this morning.
Shady Gas Price: $2.51
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
More Wildlife
On my 'new' way to work, I saw a 4 footed creature trying to cross the street. I slowed down to make sure I didn't hit it. It backed away... I thought it might have been a small deer, but it was more dog-shaped.
It turned out to be a coyote. We had heard one outside our house in the winter...and here was another one (maybe the same one?) about 4 miles down the street.
We used to see them in Malden during the day...they have followed us.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, high 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.51 Going down
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It turned out to be a coyote. We had heard one outside our house in the winter...and here was another one (maybe the same one?) about 4 miles down the street.
We used to see them in Malden during the day...they have followed us.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, high 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.51 Going down
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Friday With Sun and Toast
Stopped at Jessie's Place for breakfast. Not to be confused with Jessie's Girl. I like Rosie's Diner better.
You get a real sense of community at these places. The guys in there work on the roads and lay concrete. You hear their concerns for the town and their opinions on current events. They drink black coffee and eat dry toast. Not sure I fit in, but they don't seem to mind.
How about that sun?
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
You get a real sense of community at these places. The guys in there work on the roads and lay concrete. You hear their concerns for the town and their opinions on current events. They drink black coffee and eat dry toast. Not sure I fit in, but they don't seem to mind.
How about that sun?
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Through Late August
I just found out that the construction that forcing me to find an alternate route is going to be in place until August. Late August.
Meh, the summer has been great so far. How could it get any worse?
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Light rain, 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Meh, the summer has been great so far. How could it get any worse?
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Light rain, 60s
Shady Gas Price: $2.55
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Just Give Me 8 More Hours
...then the long weekend starts. Then I can take a break from the wild turkeys and the deer and the rain and the construction and the police speeding traps.
Yes, that would be nice.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Rain. Heavy Rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Yes, that would be nice.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Rain. Heavy Rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Road Construction
I have dealing with some road construction on Route 4 in Chelmsford (also known as Boston Road for you locals).
The whole road is shut down from Mill Road to Rangeway Rd. I have to seek alternate routes as the sign told me.
I tried a few different ones, but the best route is Concord Rd. all the way into Carlise and then picking up Rte. 225 into Bedford.
I hope it doesn't last long. I had the same hope about the rain and look where that has placed us.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, misty, foggy. Did we do something wrong?
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
The whole road is shut down from Mill Road to Rangeway Rd. I have to seek alternate routes as the sign told me.
I tried a few different ones, but the best route is Concord Rd. all the way into Carlise and then picking up Rte. 225 into Bedford.
I hope it doesn't last long. I had the same hope about the rain and look where that has placed us.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:42
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, misty, foggy. Did we do something wrong?
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
Rosie's Diner
Stopped off at Rosie's Diner in my neighborhood this morning for an omelete and some coffee. Good meal and good people. I hope to stop by there again someday.
Some sun today. It was nice to see the road with the help of sunglasses rather than windshield wipers.
Have a good weekend everybody.
Departure Time: 7:30
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 60s.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Some sun today. It was nice to see the road with the help of sunglasses rather than windshield wipers.
Have a good weekend everybody.
Departure Time: 7:30
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 60s.
Shady Gas Price: $2.59
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Kinda Miss The Rain
Just joking. I thought I would see some sun this morning. No dice.
I saw a wild turkey sitting on a parked car in someone's driveway on the way to work.
Those things are creepy.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Gray.
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I saw a wild turkey sitting on a parked car in someone's driveway on the way to work.
Those things are creepy.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Gray.
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It Must Be Summer
I don't think I saw any school buses today. Looking at my trip duration, the shortness supports a lack of school buses.
It must be summer even if the weather says "sorta".
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Gray, misty rain
Shady Gas Price: $2.61 - I think it went down.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It must be summer even if the weather says "sorta".
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Gray, misty rain
Shady Gas Price: $2.61 - I think it went down.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Am Not Going To Talk About The Rain
There's no need. I think it's fine since I am in an office all day. I wish it were sunny on the weekend...but we had good times in the house.
The roads aren't slick.
The driving has been pretty good for the most part.
I am not going to talk about the rain.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Light rain. Damn, I talked about it.
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The roads aren't slick.
The driving has been pretty good for the most part.
I am not going to talk about the rain.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Light rain. Damn, I talked about it.
Shady Gas Price: $2.63
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Nice Convertable
This dude in some pretty cool looking convertable was behind me for a while today. I think peeps are going a little nuts for the sun.
This car didn't look like his everyday car. Probably one he drives on sunny summer days.
He probably wanted to make sure he used it this year!
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny and a bit cooler. 50F
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
This car didn't look like his everyday car. Probably one he drives on sunny summer days.
He probably wanted to make sure he used it this year!
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny and a bit cooler. 50F
Shady Gas Price: $2.61
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
3 Days of Dampness
The dampness. It seeps into your bones and makes you cranky...maybe. I don't know. I think I am a little bummed out about the sky being overcast.
I want some sun.
It would be nice to put the old shades on again.
Feel the warmth on my face.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and damp
Shady Gas Price: $2.58
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I want some sun.
It would be nice to put the old shades on again.
Feel the warmth on my face.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and damp
Shady Gas Price: $2.58
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Eh, it's not really vengeance...I just being saucy today.
I was being nice and I let one person cut in front of me at a stop light in the center of Chelmsford. Well, somebody else (an additional somebody) took advantage of my kindness and she cut in before I could get rolling... She pulled the "if I don't make eye contact, it's okay if I pull out in front of you" move. I hate that move....even though I have been guilty of that move in the past.
It irked me for some reason that she got in front of me without my full consent.
Anyway, she pulled in front of me and was ahead of me for the rest of my drive...until...
We got to Bedford center and she tried to take a short cut...it turned out to be a long cut because I stayed on the main road and got in front of her. NICE!
I win!
You know...I think I need a hobby.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, some misty rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
I was being nice and I let one person cut in front of me at a stop light in the center of Chelmsford. Well, somebody else (an additional somebody) took advantage of my kindness and she cut in before I could get rolling... She pulled the "if I don't make eye contact, it's okay if I pull out in front of you" move. I hate that move....even though I have been guilty of that move in the past.
It irked me for some reason that she got in front of me without my full consent.
Anyway, she pulled in front of me and was ahead of me for the rest of my drive...until...
We got to Bedford center and she tried to take a short cut...it turned out to be a long cut because I stayed on the main road and got in front of her. NICE!
I win!
You know...I think I need a hobby.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, some misty rain.
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Looks Like We're In For A Few Days Like This One
Cloudy, cool, rainy, damp...looks like it's going to be another long stretch of these kind of days.
Hopefully, this is just the precursor to many days of sun and good temperatures. Summer will be here soon....and it's better to be in the office when we have this weather than when it is sunny.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and cool.
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Hopefully, this is just the precursor to many days of sun and good temperatures. Summer will be here soon....and it's better to be in the office when we have this weather than when it is sunny.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Cloudy and cool.
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Had A Tailgater
Tailgating bring up thoughts of burgers and beer in the parking lot of some stadium. Not me. It's more like visions of dudes in mid-sized pickup trucks that like to ride my back bumper.
I took care of the sitch by speeding ahead. Then suddenly, he didn't want to be so near.
Tell me why I don't like Mondays?
Departure Time: 6:47
Arrival Time: 7:19
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
I took care of the sitch by speeding ahead. Then suddenly, he didn't want to be so near.
Tell me why I don't like Mondays?
Departure Time: 6:47
Arrival Time: 7:19
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.53
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Deer Sighting
On the way to work this morning, I saw a deer. It was eating grass in the front of the Job Lane House in Bedford. It appeared to be a young doe. It took off before I got a good look.
It was a good sight to see.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.49
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It was a good sight to see.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.49
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Jardek's Doughnut & Breakfast Shop
I had some dough burning in my pocket so I stopped at another local breakfast shop.
This time it was Jardek's Doughnut & Breakfast Shop. I got an egg and cheese sandwich on an English muffin, a medium coffee, and a Billerica Creme doughtnut.
The sandwich was good, the coffee was fine, but the doughnut was excellent.
I may need to stop in a few more times...
I saw a motorcycle with two wheels in the front this morning. It was like training wheels but worse.
Departure Time: 6:41
Arrival Time: 7:06
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.49 Urgh.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
This time it was Jardek's Doughnut & Breakfast Shop. I got an egg and cheese sandwich on an English muffin, a medium coffee, and a Billerica Creme doughtnut.
The sandwich was good, the coffee was fine, but the doughnut was excellent.
I may need to stop in a few more times...
I saw a motorcycle with two wheels in the front this morning. It was like training wheels but worse.
Departure Time: 6:41
Arrival Time: 7:06
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny, 50s
Shady Gas Price: $2.49 Urgh.
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
3 Construction Sites
I met with three construction sites today. They were not long standing ones. These just popped up this morning. Suddenly all this work needs to be done.
I guess with the unofficial start of summer happening this weekend...summertime work is now starting...
Warm day today...a little chill in the air this morning...but still high 50s..
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, warm
Shady Gas Price: $2.33
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: no
I guess with the unofficial start of summer happening this weekend...summertime work is now starting...
Warm day today...a little chill in the air this morning...but still high 50s..
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, warm
Shady Gas Price: $2.33
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: no
Chilling Reminder
Just in time for prom season and graduation, there is a car that has been plunked down on the front lawn of a school entrance (I think it's a side entrance for the high school). The car appears to be in a horrible accident. It's all banged up and ruin. It's circled with police tape and it has a sign next to it that states, "Don't Drink and Drive."
Yeah, that kinda makes it clear.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, mild, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.27
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Yeah, that kinda makes it clear.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, mild, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.27
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Bikes and Scooters
Lots of bikes and scooters on the road. It was sorta comical. They were in the way mostly...holding up traffic. Most of the riders had smiles on their faces as if they knew that they were in the way. They didn't care.
It's Friday!
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. A little muggy.
Shady Gas Price: $2.27 Blah
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It's Friday!
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. A little muggy.
Shady Gas Price: $2.27 Blah
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
In My RearViewMirror
Just a PJ reference for ya.
Now you gotta figure out what I mean by PJ.
Anyway, I was looking in my rearview mirror and I noticed that the same car followed me from the moment I pulled into the main road to Bedford Center. That's a stretch of 10 miles or so. Is it weird that sometimes people have the same paths...and it is only apparently when you by chance meet on the roadways.
We are more connected than we realize, I suppose.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: &:38
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny, 40s.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23 ugh
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Now you gotta figure out what I mean by PJ.
Anyway, I was looking in my rearview mirror and I noticed that the same car followed me from the moment I pulled into the main road to Bedford Center. That's a stretch of 10 miles or so. Is it weird that sometimes people have the same paths...and it is only apparently when you by chance meet on the roadways.
We are more connected than we realize, I suppose.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: &:38
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny, 40s.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23 ugh
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Today I Saw
A girl who rode her bike and screamed down the hill.
The price of gas is still going up.
A car that pulled out in front of me and I restrained myself from getting angry.
Pockets of traffic that I wish would go away.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, cool, high 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.19
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
The price of gas is still going up.
A car that pulled out in front of me and I restrained myself from getting angry.
Pockets of traffic that I wish would go away.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, cool, high 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.19
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Sometimes It's True
I have always liked the slippery when wet signs. The squiggly lines always looked cool. But I never really believed those signs...I always felt they exaggerated the peril.
Although the road I was driving on this morning didn't have a sign suggesting you should be careful when the roadway is wet, it should have.
I was behind a long line of cars...stopping frequently because of a school bus. When I braked, my rear wheels slid.
See! Slippery When Wet!
I had a scare that was about 1.3 seconds long...but enough to remind me that I need new tires.
Just add it to the list of things I need to buy.
Gas price is up again. Boo.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light rain, wet roads, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Yeah.
Although the road I was driving on this morning didn't have a sign suggesting you should be careful when the roadway is wet, it should have.
I was behind a long line of cars...stopping frequently because of a school bus. When I braked, my rear wheels slid.
See! Slippery When Wet!
I had a scare that was about 1.3 seconds long...but enough to remind me that I need new tires.
Just add it to the list of things I need to buy.
Gas price is up again. Boo.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light rain, wet roads, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Yeah.
Gas Prices On A Cloudy Day
Finally the gas price went up. It was holding steady under 2 bucks for a while...
I think they finally had to give in.
Happy Friday?
Fox 25 was broadcasting live from the town common today. It didn't cause too much of a ruckus. It didn't impede my driving.
I looked over but I couldn't see too much of what was going on. Meh.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, a little humid, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.03
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I think they finally had to give in.
Happy Friday?
Fox 25 was broadcasting live from the town common today. It didn't cause too much of a ruckus. It didn't impede my driving.
I looked over but I couldn't see too much of what was going on. Meh.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, a little humid, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $2.03
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Late April Driving
If you are driving to work in late April like me, you get to see all the trees sprout their leaves again. You get to see the flowers and the grass.
It looks good. It looks like renewal.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool. Good day
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It looks good. It looks like renewal.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cool. Good day
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Back From Vacation
I took some time off. I went to FL for a friend's wedding. It was a great experience.
Back to work today. I set my trip-o-meter to find out how many miles a one way trip to work is. The answer? 14.2 miles.
Not too shabby. I average a speed of 25 miles per hour. Better than walking.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Sunny...it's gonna be a hot one.
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Back to work today. I set my trip-o-meter to find out how many miles a one way trip to work is. The answer? 14.2 miles.
Not too shabby. I average a speed of 25 miles per hour. Better than walking.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Sunny...it's gonna be a hot one.
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Long String Of Sunny Broken
It needed to happen eventually. Can't be sunny every day.
Some light rain. Roads were very wet. No breaks in the clouds at all.
I was back to the regular route this morning. Not a big deal. It's a good route and it suits me.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Light rain, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Some light rain. Roads were very wet. No breaks in the clouds at all.
I was back to the regular route this morning. Not a big deal. It's a good route and it suits me.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Light rain, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Pats Day
I placed a bet on driving the highway today and it paid off. I needed to get to work early for a meeting and I was able to shave about 10 minutes off of my commute time.
There were people on the road....it appeared to be a 25% reduction.
Just enough to make things move.
Departure Time: 6:39
Arrival Time: 7:00
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: No
There were people on the road....it appeared to be a 25% reduction.
Just enough to make things move.
Departure Time: 6:39
Arrival Time: 7:00
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: No
Another Week is Through
Did this week fly by for you? Was it just me? I was fairly busy...but I woke up today thinking that I couldn't believe the weekend was here.
Pretty crazy. Anyhoo. See you on the roads on Monday. Yeah, I don't have the day off.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Pretty crazy. Anyhoo. See you on the roads on Monday. Yeah, I don't have the day off.
Departure Time: 7:07
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Yelling At The Top Of His Lungs
There was some dude behind me that I saw via my rear view mirror yelling at someone or something.
Not at me...at least I don't think so.
He kept turning his head to the right and was visibly angry. I couldn't hear him, but it was clear he was shouting.
Now, the object of his shouting and ranting was not apparent. It did not appear to be outside his car since there was nothing on that side of his car throughout.
There may have been someone in the back seat...but I couldn't see that person or that pet.
The scene was disturbing nonetheless. It made me happy that he wasn't following me for long.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little cooler than yesterday.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah, but it was a bit scary.
Not at me...at least I don't think so.
He kept turning his head to the right and was visibly angry. I couldn't hear him, but it was clear he was shouting.
Now, the object of his shouting and ranting was not apparent. It did not appear to be outside his car since there was nothing on that side of his car throughout.
There may have been someone in the back seat...but I couldn't see that person or that pet.
The scene was disturbing nonetheless. It made me happy that he wasn't following me for long.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little cooler than yesterday.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah, but it was a bit scary.
Switching Car Seats
I got a really late start today. I had to switch car seats from one vehicle to another....among other things.
It took me some time to get everything prepared just right.
I got behind a school bus that had stops every 200 feet or so...that's why I go early.
Departure Time: 7:17
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Sunny, nice
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
It took me some time to get everything prepared just right.
I got behind a school bus that had stops every 200 feet or so...that's why I go early.
Departure Time: 7:17
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Sunny, nice
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Car Repair Take 2
Drove the CR-V to a garage to get it fixed. The check engine light came on a few weeks ago and now I need to get it repaired.
We've been driving around with a scarlet R on that car too.
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
We've been driving around with a scarlet R on that car too.
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Like The Sun
Looks like it's going to be sunny for the next few days. I don't think I am jinxing anything by saying that I am happy winter is over.
Now I can look forward to allergies being the only hardship on the road.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Now I can look forward to allergies being the only hardship on the road.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Wild Turkeys
I was driving down Route 4 in Billerica and I saw a flock of wild turkeys....I mean, I think they were wild. They were huge!
They were on some guy's lawn...just pecking away. At first I thought they were fake...but they were moving around...flapping their wings a bit.
It took me by surprise for the few moments I had to look over. You only get a few seconds before you're rolling past the next house.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cool
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: No
They were on some guy's lawn...just pecking away. At first I thought they were fake...but they were moving around...flapping their wings a bit.
It took me by surprise for the few moments I had to look over. You only get a few seconds before you're rolling past the next house.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cool
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: No
It's a Trend
Our new baby has slept through the night 5 nights in a row. It's a trend...and I probably just jinxed it.
I think I am catching up on sleep but I still feel really tired when I wake up.
I am weening myself off a daily dose of coffee. I am hoping green tea will help with the transition.
Outside of that, the drive has been pleasant. I am down with sunny days and moving traffic.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30s, but pleasant.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I think I am catching up on sleep but I still feel really tired when I wake up.
I am weening myself off a daily dose of coffee. I am hoping green tea will help with the transition.
Outside of that, the drive has been pleasant. I am down with sunny days and moving traffic.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:43
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30s, but pleasant.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Sun And Cappuccino
The sun is back out today. I dropped by the coffeeshop to get myself a cappuccino. I think I needed a break from the old office coffee.
Departure Time: 7:05
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool. High 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Departure Time: 7:05
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool. High 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Voted In The Town Election
I cast my vote in some of the town election's this morning. I thought it might be funny to write in a few people's names...but I didn't.
No lines for the polls this time around. No historical noteworthiness to draw in the big crowds.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
No lines for the polls this time around. No historical noteworthiness to draw in the big crowds.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Don't Think They Are Opening
I love opening day, but I think they aren't playing today.
Rain is coming in, although you wouldn't know that by looking around this morning.
Got behind a few school buses today. It delayed me a bit.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Rain is coming in, although you wouldn't know that by looking around this morning.
Got behind a few school buses today. It delayed me a bit.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cool. 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Economic Meltdown Blues
So, I have been thinking about this blog and its theme. The first part is driving. The second part is work. Since Sept. 2005, the work part hasn't taken a break. I am lucky. I raise a glass to those who are out of work for whatever reason.
Stay positive. We'll get through it. This too shall pass.
P.S. I saw a dead cat on the side of the road this morning.
Departure Time: 7:11
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, no rain though
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Stay positive. We'll get through it. This too shall pass.
P.S. I saw a dead cat on the side of the road this morning.
Departure Time: 7:11
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, no rain though
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Am Not Following You
...but you are driving very slowly. That's what I said to myself...although it was directed to the red Ford Thunderbird in front of me. We started driving together somewhere in Bedford and continued until we finally got to my complex.
It tacked a minute or two on my drive. He was very cautious.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Looks like rain.
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It tacked a minute or two on my drive. He was very cautious.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. Looks like rain.
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Back To It
Crazy. I got my car back in 4 hours. These peeps do their work efficiently.
There's some new rattles and noises in my car now...what can you do? I am gonna run this thing into the ground.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
There's some new rattles and noises in my car now...what can you do? I am gonna run this thing into the ground.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Dropped The Car Off
I dropped the car off at the shop. We'll see when I get it back.
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny, but a bit chilly.
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): N/A
Feared for my life: No
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny, but a bit chilly.
Shady Gas Price: $1.95
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): N/A
Feared for my life: No
The Scarlet Letter R
So, my car didn't pass the safety inspection. Yikes. I guess I have a hole in my exhaust pipe towards the front and maybe a broken tire rod?
Sheesh. Not good.
Now I get to drive around with a big red "R" on my windshield. I risk getting a ticket for doing so...but no matter...I have to drive to work.
I passed a police officer this morning. I prayed he wouldn't pull me over. He didn't...nice.
I am going to get it fixed tomorrow....so the update will be different when we meet next.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...maybe some rain here and there. 40.
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Sheesh. Not good.
Now I get to drive around with a big red "R" on my windshield. I risk getting a ticket for doing so...but no matter...I have to drive to work.
I passed a police officer this morning. I prayed he wouldn't pull me over. He didn't...nice.
I am going to get it fixed tomorrow....so the update will be different when we meet next.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...maybe some rain here and there. 40.
Shady Gas Price: $1.99
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Not Sure If I Will Pass
I am going to get my car inspected today. Let's hope I pass.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Did Not Forget You
There is an MBTA bus in Bedford.
I got behind it.
It went real slow.
I couldn't get around it.
It made me wait through red lights.
Oh, MBTA bus...I haven't forgetten you.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little warmer than yesterday, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
I got behind it.
It went real slow.
I couldn't get around it.
It made me wait through red lights.
Oh, MBTA bus...I haven't forgetten you.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, a little warmer than yesterday, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Sheesh High Gas Prices
The shady gas station near my house...well, it used to have low gas prices. Now they are creeping up.
$1.97? Where is this coming from? Come on. I have seen tons of other stations with lower prices.
Not so shady anymore.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Still cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
$1.97? Where is this coming from? Come on. I have seen tons of other stations with lower prices.
Not so shady anymore.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:28
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Still cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.97
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Early Morning Banking
You have to love 24 hour ATMs. Does anybody remember the long lines and the sacrifices you had to make just to conduct business at the bank? Today, I didn't have to leave my car to deposit a check. It was that sweet.
It added a few minutes to my commute time...but not that much. Roads were clear...I even drove under the speed limit in a few places. Wow.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold though, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It added a few minutes to my commute time...but not that much. Roads were clear...I even drove under the speed limit in a few places. Wow.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold though, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Keep Singing Guy
So this dude got behind me...and I looked in my rearview mirror.
I thought he was shouting....I thought he was shouting at me.
I kept watching him...I probably should have been looking at the road.
It turns out he was singing...singing along to the song he had playing on his car sound system....I am guessing.
He may have been singing along to the song in his head.
He was really into it. Pretty wild.
Departure Time: 6:52
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny. Cold, man.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
I thought he was shouting....I thought he was shouting at me.
I kept watching him...I probably should have been looking at the road.
It turns out he was singing...singing along to the song he had playing on his car sound system....I am guessing.
He may have been singing along to the song in his head.
He was really into it. Pretty wild.
Departure Time: 6:52
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny. Cold, man.
Shady Gas Price: $1.93
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
Socks On The Road
Not Red Sox...just white ones. They were rolling down the road...powered by the wind caused by passing vehicles. Animated socks on the Friday morning...does it get any better?
I say no.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny but cold - 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I say no.
Departure Time: 7:00
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny but cold - 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I'm Down With Thursday
Even though I want to spell it Thurdsay all the time, Thursday is ok for me.
You have some people who want to yield for too long.
You have others that ride your rear bumper for miles and miles.
I'm down. Are you?
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy but 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
You have some people who want to yield for too long.
You have others that ride your rear bumper for miles and miles.
I'm down. Are you?
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy but 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
What Can I Tell You Today?
I got up. I packed my li'l lunch and I walked out the door. I got in the car and drove. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood...maybe because spring is on its way.
I did get behind one school bus, but it didn't delay me too much.
I need to get my car inspected this month. Maybe I can do that during work?
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Feels like a promising day.
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nah
I did get behind one school bus, but it didn't delay me too much.
I need to get my car inspected this month. Maybe I can do that during work?
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Feels like a promising day.
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nah
Somebody's Lucky
Is there a lot of state workers in this state or what? The roads were clear. The commute was easy. We're all lucky today.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Some sun. 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nope
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Some sun. 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nope
Everything Seemed To Be Fine
No problems in the AM this morning. The ride was smooth and I didn't run into any trouble...which is about right for a Monday.
A bit cloudy today. It has been a while since it has been "just cloudy". Usually there has been some precipitation to go along with it.
Gas price is up again. Not sure why...it's just itching to go higher.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Just cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
A bit cloudy today. It has been a while since it has been "just cloudy". Usually there has been some precipitation to go along with it.
Gas price is up again. Not sure why...it's just itching to go higher.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Just cloudy
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Flipped Car
Exciting drive to work today.
1. I almost ran into somebody. I was going through a green light when someone taking a left turn almost pulled in front of me. I slammed on my brakes. He could not see me coming because of a bus that was obscuring his view. I was able to come to a complete stop in a fairly short amount of time. I can tell you my brakes still work.
2. Later on in the trip, I came to a stop. I could see in the distance blue lights and utility trucks. There was a police officer directing traffic.
When he allowed us to continue, I saw a telephone pole snapped in two places and a car flipped onto its hood on somebody's lawn.
Not sure what happened, but it appears that speed was a factor.
Good luck out there.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Brakes still work.
1. I almost ran into somebody. I was going through a green light when someone taking a left turn almost pulled in front of me. I slammed on my brakes. He could not see me coming because of a bus that was obscuring his view. I was able to come to a complete stop in a fairly short amount of time. I can tell you my brakes still work.
2. Later on in the trip, I came to a stop. I could see in the distance blue lights and utility trucks. There was a police officer directing traffic.
When he allowed us to continue, I saw a telephone pole snapped in two places and a car flipped onto its hood on somebody's lawn.
Not sure what happened, but it appears that speed was a factor.
Good luck out there.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Brakes still work.
Woke Up This Morning With A Pain In My Head
Not sure why. Took some pain reliever right off the bat. I feel better now.
The drive was ok. I cut off a guy but I think we were both at fault. He wanted to be where I was. I was where he wanted to be.
He beeped at me. No harm. No foul.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 35 degrees.
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The drive was ok. I cut off a guy but I think we were both at fault. He wanted to be where I was. I was where he wanted to be.
He beeped at me. No harm. No foul.
Departure Time: 6:59
Arrival Time: 7:29
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 35 degrees.
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Rain Is Better
I wish my "the snow will melt" plan played out better.
I still have half a driveway today. Maybe with the rain and the temps in the 50s today will help.
I have been leaving the house later this week. I am having a hard time getting out of bed.
Next week, I will get back into the regular groove.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Rain, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
I still have half a driveway today. Maybe with the rain and the temps in the 50s today will help.
I have been leaving the house later this week. I am having a hard time getting out of bed.
Next week, I will get back into the regular groove.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Rain, 40s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Just Half Of The Driveway
I shovelled a bit last night...but just half the driveway. I am hoping the sun will melt the other half today.
Driving was good. No slick spots to speak of. People moved in an orderly fashion.
Since the time change, the sun isn't so blinding in some areas.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Driving was good. No slick spots to speak of. People moved in an orderly fashion.
Since the time change, the sun isn't so blinding in some areas.
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Just Enough Snow
Woke up to find 3 inches of snow on the ground. What the? I didn't shovel. I am protesting.
There was just enough snow to annoy, but not enough to move around.
When I started to stop before turning into my work's parking lot, I started to skid. It was a little dangerous out there..
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light snow
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: A bit
There was just enough snow to annoy, but not enough to move around.
When I started to stop before turning into my work's parking lot, I started to skid. It was a little dangerous out there..
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light snow
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: A bit
Above Freezing
I looked at the thermometer on the side of my house. It was above freezing. Whoa.
I think there's gonna be a warm up this weekend.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little warmer.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
I think there's gonna be a warm up this weekend.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:30
Weather as I call it: Sunny...a little warmer.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Halfway through my trip, I drove through what used to be a skunk. Man, it was bad...in appearance and smell.
I had to time it right in rolling down my windows. You have to wait until the skunk smell outside is gone so you can get rid of the skunk smell inside your car.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny and Cold
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
I had to time it right in rolling down my windows. You have to wait until the skunk smell outside is gone so you can get rid of the skunk smell inside your car.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny and Cold
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
Driving With Ice
The front of my car had all this ice on it. It didn't go away after the drive was over.
Driving with ice is a fairly new thing for me.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Frigid, single digits
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Driving with ice is a fairly new thing for me.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny, Frigid, single digits
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Much Clearer Than Yesterday
The area has recovered pretty well from yesterday. I did shovel my driveway again last night in preparation for today, but it only took me a quarter of the time.
I slept well. I found the driving easy this morning.
There were many people out and outside of a teenage driver cutting the corner a little too close and somebody pulling out of their street a little too aggressively, it was a pleasant drive.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 10s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I slept well. I found the driving easy this morning.
There were many people out and outside of a teenage driver cutting the corner a little too close and somebody pulling out of their street a little too aggressively, it was a pleasant drive.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 10s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I Jinxed It
I think the title of my last post was about how the weather is getting better.
Sheesh, did I jinx it or what?
I spent two hours shoveling out the driveway. It just kept coming down.
I drove to work much later than anticipated. Oh well...but it worked in my favor.
The roads were pretty clear and certainly low on car volume.
Departure Time: 10:21
Arrival Time: 10:56
Weather as I call it: Light snow. 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Suprisingly, no.
Sheesh, did I jinx it or what?
I spent two hours shoveling out the driveway. It just kept coming down.
I drove to work much later than anticipated. Oh well...but it worked in my favor.
The roads were pretty clear and certainly low on car volume.
Departure Time: 10:21
Arrival Time: 10:56
Weather as I call it: Light snow. 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Suprisingly, no.
The Weather Is Getting Better
I stopped at the Dunk on this brilliant morning...but everyone else had the same idea. The line was out the door and wasn't moving fast enough for me...so I skipped it.
The weather has to be getting better, right?
No more bitter cold, right?
Ooops, jinxed it.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31 - The Dunk slowed me up.
Weather as I call it: Warmish - 30s...some sun.
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
The weather has to be getting better, right?
No more bitter cold, right?
Ooops, jinxed it.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31 - The Dunk slowed me up.
Weather as I call it: Warmish - 30s...some sun.
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Long Line of Cars
I joined the long line of cars on Route 4 this morning...heading south into the 128 belt.
Depending on when I leave, I sometimes get into a caravan of sorts...not a Dodge Caravan...but a group of travelers.
I saw a line of cars for as far I could see...going all about the same speed.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
Depending on when I leave, I sometimes get into a caravan of sorts...not a Dodge Caravan...but a group of travelers.
I saw a line of cars for as far I could see...going all about the same speed.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
Quarter Rainbow
Did anyone else see it? There was a quarter rainbow in the sky. I call it a quarter rainbow because it was one-fourth the size of a full rainbow.
It was near the rising sun. It was interesting...and hopefully a good omen.
I made it to work in 30 minutes. That's got to count for something.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, rainbow-y
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It was near the rising sun. It was interesting...and hopefully a good omen.
I made it to work in 30 minutes. That's got to count for something.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, rainbow-y
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Mundane Commute
My driveway was pretty clear of snow and ice in the morning. My shoveling did wonders.
I started up my car and let it warm for about 5 minutes before I drove off this morning. It was pretty roasty toasty when I got in.
The drive itself was pretty lackluster. Not much to report...it was pretty easy.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nah
I started up my car and let it warm for about 5 minutes before I drove off this morning. It was pretty roasty toasty when I got in.
The drive itself was pretty lackluster. Not much to report...it was pretty easy.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1
Feared for my life: Nah
Crunchy Snow
We got some snow last night. It was wet snow that came with rain and then froze. Real crunchy snow. It was tough to scrape off the car and shovel it off the stairs.
The drive itself wasn't too bad. I got here in not much time at all.
Tomorrow will be a different deal.
We'll see.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cold
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
The drive itself wasn't too bad. I got here in not much time at all.
Tomorrow will be a different deal.
We'll see.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:33
Weather as I call it: Sunny and cold
Shady Gas Price: $1.79
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Let's Get With Winter And Chill Out
Today must be the day everyone races out of their driveway. I avoided at least two people who were fairly excited to leave their homes and found that when they applied the brakes they skidded into the road.
There was an accident on Route 4 in Bedford. It appeared minor but it made people slow down a bit to check it out.
I had to shovel the driveway again today...so note the late departure.
Happy weekend.
Departure Time: 7:30
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A bit
There was an accident on Route 4 in Bedford. It appeared minor but it made people slow down a bit to check it out.
I had to shovel the driveway again today...so note the late departure.
Happy weekend.
Departure Time: 7:30
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A bit
Snow Rain Shoveling
I shoveled my driveway this morning and I did it in 15 minutes. With about an inch of snow, you can do that.
Awesome. Made good time too. I wish Feb. vacation would go on forever.
Departure Time: 7:24
Arrival Time: 7:56
Weather as I call it: Some rain, 35 degrees
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Awesome. Made good time too. I wish Feb. vacation would go on forever.
Departure Time: 7:24
Arrival Time: 7:56
Weather as I call it: Some rain, 35 degrees
Shady Gas Price: $1.83
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
I Had To Stop And Get Some Milk
I felt bad for using community milk from the fridge to put in my coffee at work, so I stopped off and got a half gallon from a 24 hour CVS.
Good times.
May your February vacation travels continue to be smooth.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Cold 10 degrees - Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Good times.
May your February vacation travels continue to be smooth.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Cold 10 degrees - Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Quiet Times
February vacation does spell less school buses and less cars on the roads.
This week has got to be a big one for vacation for not just students but parents too.
I got to work quickly and without hassle. Just the blinding sun at points to slow me down.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, colder, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1.5
Feared for my life: No
This week has got to be a big one for vacation for not just students but parents too.
I got to work quickly and without hassle. Just the blinding sun at points to slow me down.
Departure Time: 7:04
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Sunny, colder, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 1.5
Feared for my life: No
Pre-Presidents Day
Late start and light traffic. I decided to sleep in a bit since there have been many light sleeping nights lately with the new baby.
Have a good long weekend...hopefully you have one.
Departure Time: 7:13
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30F
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Have a good long weekend...hopefully you have one.
Departure Time: 7:13
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny, 30F
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Rain Fog Warmth Speed
Looks like it rained a lot last night. The sand from the roads was washed away.
The melting of the snow caused fog all over the place. I had to use my wipers to see because of all the condensation.
It seemed warmer as I drove...I had to roll down my windows a few times to make turns, and each breeze was less cool each time.
There was a cop that I think almost pulled me over. I was going a bit fast, but I got it under control before I passed him.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:40
Weather as I call it: Foggy
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The melting of the snow caused fog all over the place. I had to use my wipers to see because of all the condensation.
It seemed warmer as I drove...I had to roll down my windows a few times to make turns, and each breeze was less cool each time.
There was a cop that I think almost pulled me over. I was going a bit fast, but I got it under control before I passed him.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:40
Weather as I call it: Foggy
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Why Must We Have The Same Path?
I got behind a silver Accord this morning and she just happened to be driving the exact same route that I did. I was hoping she would turn off so I could start driving faster...at least 30 miles per hour....but she never did.
She made it quite clear she was not going to accelerate.
It didn't kill my time, just my mind.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
She made it quite clear she was not going to accelerate.
It didn't kill my time, just my mind.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No
Let The Healing Begin
I predict more melting today. I can't wait for the snow banks to be lowered and the ice patches gone for good.
It's going to happen.
Believe in Spring.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy. Temps in the teens
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It's going to happen.
Believe in Spring.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy. Temps in the teens
Shady Gas Price: $1.87
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
When It Comes To Mondays
My trip is usually a breeze on Mondays. I think this has been a recurring theme in this blog for a very long time.
People get a late start on Mondays...which means I miss them on the roads.
The snow banks seem a little shorter today. The roads seem more clear.
I hope we get more good melt days like yesterday this week.
Departure Time: 6:53
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold but not frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No.
People get a late start on Mondays...which means I miss them on the roads.
The snow banks seem a little shorter today. The roads seem more clear.
I hope we get more good melt days like yesterday this week.
Departure Time: 6:53
Arrival Time: 7:25
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold but not frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No.
24 Hours Just Slip Into Days
I was up with the newborn last night. Time is just flying by. I can't believe it is Friday...the end of another week.
I am tired but now fully caffeinated.
It's supposed to be warmer this weekend. I know that isn't saying much, but it's welcome.
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy. Cold. 0 degrees.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
I am tired but now fully caffeinated.
It's supposed to be warmer this weekend. I know that isn't saying much, but it's welcome.
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy. Cold. 0 degrees.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Post Office Stop
I had to get some stamps from the old post office, so I waited around until it opened. (8 AM).
I waited in the car because it was too cold to wait anywhere else.
I think I freaked some other shop owners out...I think they thought I was a creep that likes to hang out in parking lots.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 8:12
Weather as I call it: Sunny...cold...single digits.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
I waited in the car because it was too cold to wait anywhere else.
I think I freaked some other shop owners out...I think they thought I was a creep that likes to hang out in parking lots.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 8:12
Weather as I call it: Sunny...cold...single digits.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Snow Banks
I had to shovel out the driveway this morning. It delayed my trip a bit.
These snow banks are insanely high now...too many people are pulling way out into the road. I am swerving to avoid them.
It's getting intense out there.
Departure Time: 7:12
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Meh.
These snow banks are insanely high now...too many people are pulling way out into the road. I am swerving to avoid them.
It's getting intense out there.
Departure Time: 7:12
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $1.81
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Meh.
Road Sins
I witnessed one of the deadly sins of the road. I let someone enter traffic in front of me. The woman was waiting to exit a gas station parking lot and she looking a little impatient.
She kept rolling into the street, little by little...so I stopped for her. I was going to have to stop for an intersection ahead...so it made sense.
With a wave, she got in front of me...then proceeded to go verrrrrry sloooooooooow.
She also stopped to let other people through...which annoyed me.
It is a sin to barge in front someone (a traffic disruption in itself) and then disrupt traffic further by going slow, stopping, braking erratically, etc.
Don't do it.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, quiet. More snow to come!
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: No
She kept rolling into the street, little by little...so I stopped for her. I was going to have to stop for an intersection ahead...so it made sense.
With a wave, she got in front of me...then proceeded to go verrrrrry sloooooooooow.
She also stopped to let other people through...which annoyed me.
It is a sin to barge in front someone (a traffic disruption in itself) and then disrupt traffic further by going slow, stopping, braking erratically, etc.
Don't do it.
Departure Time: 6:58
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cloudy, quiet. More snow to come!
Shady Gas Price: $1.85
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 4
Feared for my life: No
Groundhog Day 2009
This blog is sorta like Groundhog Day the movie. It's the same thing, over and over...but I have a chance to make a slight difference everyday.
Dropped off some mail and got some money to pay off my Super Bowl office pool. I didn't win anything. No surprise there.
Driving was good. 6 more weeks of winter. Yay.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, not frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
Dropped off some mail and got some money to pay off my Super Bowl office pool. I didn't win anything. No surprise there.
Driving was good. 6 more weeks of winter. Yay.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny, not frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
I Left My Sunglasses At The Dunk
I stopped to get some breakfast at the Dunk this morning. I was wearing my shades due to the blinding sun. I must have put them down on the counter because they weren't with me when I was driving down the street a few minutes later.
Oh well, they were old and I needed to replace them...now I am going to be that guy buying sunglasses in the middle of winter.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
Oh well, they were old and I needed to replace them...now I am going to be that guy buying sunglasses in the middle of winter.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah.
But Ice Slows Me Down
It took me a long time to get to work today. A long time. There was ice on the roads...I am not sure if there was ice on all roads, but the ones I drove had ice everywhere.
People drove very slow. School buses made things slower. If you tried to be nice for someone and stop to let them into traffic, you skidded.
Not fun. Longest trip (to this job) ever.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 8:03
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, and icy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 6
Feared for my life: Yeah.
People drove very slow. School buses made things slower. If you tried to be nice for someone and stop to let them into traffic, you skidded.
Not fun. Longest trip (to this job) ever.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 8:03
Weather as I call it: Sunny, cold, and icy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 6
Feared for my life: Yeah.
Cold Temps,
Light Snow Never Stopped Me
....it's just the ice and the slushy stuff that will bring me to a halt in the afternoon.
I got behind a sander truck and I thought that was a good thing. He verve left at an intersection and got into a turn left only lane. Not so. I ended up passing him on the right and felt like a jackass. oops.
The rest of the trip wasn't so bad. I got to work safely.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light snow
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
I got behind a sander truck and I thought that was a good thing. He verve left at an intersection and got into a turn left only lane. Not so. I ended up passing him on the right and felt like a jackass. oops.
The rest of the trip wasn't so bad. I got to work safely.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Light snow
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Flag Raising
When I got out to the main street, I saw a fireman raising the flag in front of his station. He wasn't wearing a coat. He was a tough guy.
Not as many peeps pulling out into traffic today. I was happy.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny, dry.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Not as many peeps pulling out into traffic today. I was happy.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny, dry.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nope
Back On The Roads
Hey there. I was gone for a week because my wife and I welcomed to the world another child on 1/18/09. Everyone is doing well and everyone is settled in...so it's time to go back to work.
Man, it's crazy out there. Too many high snow banks and too many people pulling WAAAAAY out to see around them.
It made for an exciting drive. I had to keep swerving around people.
Good to be back.
Departure Time: 6:54
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny but cold. 15 degrees. More snow coming too.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A little.
Man, it's crazy out there. Too many high snow banks and too many people pulling WAAAAAY out to see around them.
It made for an exciting drive. I had to keep swerving around people.
Good to be back.
Departure Time: 6:54
Arrival Time: 7:31
Weather as I call it: Sunny but cold. 15 degrees. More snow coming too.
Shady Gas Price: $1.77
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A little.
Minus 10
Yeah, that's what the thermometer said when I left the house. Minus 10.
I hate beating a dead horse, but the temperature is the story. I had to let my car warm up again.
The smokestacks of house burning wood were emitting long smoke chains as I drove through the neighborhoods. They kept climbing and climbing.
Steam was coming out of the sewer grates. You don't tend to see that in the 'burbs.
There appeared to be some water main trouble in the center of Chelmsford today. I didn't see a break, but there were trucks and police directing traffic. It held me up a bit, but not terribly much.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: You know - Frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.73 Boo!
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah.
I hate beating a dead horse, but the temperature is the story. I had to let my car warm up again.
The smokestacks of house burning wood were emitting long smoke chains as I drove through the neighborhoods. They kept climbing and climbing.
Steam was coming out of the sewer grates. You don't tend to see that in the 'burbs.
There appeared to be some water main trouble in the center of Chelmsford today. I didn't see a break, but there were trucks and police directing traffic. It held me up a bit, but not terribly much.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: You know - Frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.73 Boo!
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah.
You Know It's Only Going To Get Colder
I started my car 10 minutes before I had to leave. The thermometer on the side of the house said it was zero degrees out...Fahrenheit, of course.
The drive was fine. When it's cold, people move slower.
When it's really hot, that's when people are crazy and mean.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cold. Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
The drive was fine. When it's cold, people move slower.
When it's really hot, that's when people are crazy and mean.
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cold. Sunny
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Man, it was 10 degrees when I walked out of the door this morning. I had a typical Massachusetts commuter morning. I got a few Dunkin' Donuts cards over the holiday and I decided to get some eats on my way to work.
My medium coffee and bagel was all right.
Departure Time: 6:57
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Cold, Sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
My medium coffee and bagel was all right.
Departure Time: 6:57
Arrival Time: 7:37
Weather as I call it: Cold, Sunny.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
It Is Still Amazing
If you leave just a little bit later, your commute changes so much. I got out the door late this morning and I ran into more traffic than I ever did before.
It was nice to experience, but not something I want to do every day.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
It was nice to experience, but not something I want to do every day.
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Cold, sunny, 20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
Can We Get Some More Snow?
I like spending some time of the weekend to shovel out my driveway. I really like brushing off even more snow on Monday morning before I go to work.
The drive was good. I did get behind a few school buses, and I had to get some gas...but it turned out ok.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...cold..20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.65
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
The drive was good. I did get behind a few school buses, and I had to get some gas...but it turned out ok.
Departure Time: 7:01
Arrival Time: 7:41
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...cold..20s
Shady Gas Price: $1.65
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Now That Was Kinda Scary
One negative of taking the roads less travelled...they tend not to be sanded to prevent ice from forming. Route 4 right over the Billerica line was a little icy today. I skidded a bit...there was a guy who was pulled over to the side...Not sure if he got in an accident or not...but it was clear he didn't want to be stopped.
Happy Friday
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, windy, cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.67
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A bit.
Happy Friday
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Sunny, windy, cold.
Shady Gas Price: $1.67
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: A bit.
Thanks For Plowing
The plow went by last night but unfortunately it sorta left a nice snow mound at the top of my driveway. I couldn't get through the first time. There was a loud crunch sound as the first set of tires got through, but then my tires started spinning. I had to "throw it into reverse" and try again with more gusto.
This time, I depressed the accelerator with a heavy foot and slammed through the mound.
Icy snowy mound...how you taunt me.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cold. Icy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.67
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
This time, I depressed the accelerator with a heavy foot and slammed through the mound.
Icy snowy mound...how you taunt me.
Departure Time: 7:03
Arrival Time: 7:36
Weather as I call it: Sunny. Cold. Icy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.67
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Prepare For The Worst
I thought the roads were going to be bad this morning. I thought I would be slipping on ice. Not so much. Travel was pretty easy. I don't think that was true of people on the south shore.
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Light rain, but I had to brush snow off of my car.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
Departure Time: 7:02
Arrival Time: 7:34
Weather as I call it: Light rain, but I had to brush snow off of my car.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: Nah
The Party Is Over
I was surprised to see that the shady gas price was up 12 cents today. Wha' happened? Did we suddenly start to consume more?
The price was going down - day after day usually in 2 cent increments...but when it climbs up, it's a big jump.
I wonder if I could fill up a few barrels of it now to use later when it is over 3 bucks.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
The price was going down - day after day usually in 2 cent increments...but when it climbs up, it's a big jump.
I wonder if I could fill up a few barrels of it now to use later when it is over 3 bucks.
Departure Time: 7:06
Arrival Time: 7:38
Weather as I call it: Mostly cloudy.
Shady Gas Price: $1.69
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 2
Feared for my life: No
Icy For 2009
It appeared that I would have a pretty crazy commute, but it turned out ok.
I scraped a thin layer of ice off of my car with no problem. Where I thought there would be a problem would be the ice on the roads.
No ice that I could see. There was enough sand on the roads to make travel safe.
There was a lot of traffic around though. Make the trip pretty long.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7;34
Weather as I call it: Cold, not much ice though, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.57
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
I scraped a thin layer of ice off of my car with no problem. Where I thought there would be a problem would be the ice on the roads.
No ice that I could see. There was enough sand on the roads to make travel safe.
There was a lot of traffic around though. Make the trip pretty long.
Departure Time: 6:56
Arrival Time: 7;34
Weather as I call it: Cold, not much ice though, 30s
Shady Gas Price: $1.57
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah
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