Departure Time: 7:18
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Where's the snow? Just cloudy and cold today.
Paper Guy: Doing well.
Shady Gas Price: $2.07
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
All the weather reports that I saw last night were calling for a snowy commute I was surprised to see clear skies and roads. It would have been a better send off for this phase of the blog if the roadways were a little treacherous...but no dice. Some gray skies and cold temps are common this time of year. Nothing special to report in
I bought a paper from Paper Guy today. I flashed my dollar bill and he hustled over to me. I rolled down my window and he greeted me with some nice words...I didn't catch exactly what he said but his tone was soothing.
I handed him the money and I said, "Keep it. Keep it."
He said, "Oh, thank you!" and held the bill up in the air.
I smiled and rolled my window back up. I wish I had had the time to say 'great job' or 'thanks for everything' but the traffic has to keep moving..and the world has to keep turning. I wish him the best.
And so it goes. And so it goes.
Next week I will be posting my adventures on the MBTA. Good-bye and Hello.
Yes, driving to work in Boston. Just one man's daily report from the world of morning commuting...
Long Slow Goodbye
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Sunny Cold 20s
Paper Guy: Wrapped up in a scarf and hat.
Shady Gas Price: $2.07
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
At a red light, I turned to look at a woman who was stopped beside me. I turned my head before I saw all the details, but I think she was popping a zit with the help of her vanity mirror.
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Sunny Cold 20s
Paper Guy: Wrapped up in a scarf and hat.
Shady Gas Price: $2.07
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
At a red light, I turned to look at a woman who was stopped beside me. I turned my head before I saw all the details, but I think she was popping a zit with the help of her vanity mirror.
The Final Countdown
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Cloudy when I started. Sunny when I got there.
Paper Guy: Very much bundled up
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
First off: I saw a guy behind me shaving while driving. No, not with the traditional implements (a large blade and soap applied with a brush)...he had an electric razor. I wonder, is he really saving a lot of time by shaving on the way to work?
Secondly, this post title is not just a bad song from the band Europe...but it is apropos of the next 3 blog posts.
Yes, faithful readers...I will be changing jobs starting on February 5th. The new job is in Boston's Back Bay...and I have decided that driving there (more like parking there) is not economical. So, I will be using public transportation starting next week.
How this affects the blog will be determined next week, but it's current state cannot carry the countdown is on. Wednesday is my last day.
Please take note that I will continue posting here...We'll all know (including me)what it is next week.
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Cloudy when I started. Sunny when I got there.
Paper Guy: Very much bundled up
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
First off: I saw a guy behind me shaving while driving. No, not with the traditional implements (a large blade and soap applied with a brush)...he had an electric razor. I wonder, is he really saving a lot of time by shaving on the way to work?
Secondly, this post title is not just a bad song from the band Europe...but it is apropos of the next 3 blog posts.
Yes, faithful readers...I will be changing jobs starting on February 5th. The new job is in Boston's Back Bay...and I have decided that driving there (more like parking there) is not economical. So, I will be using public transportation starting next week.
How this affects the blog will be determined next week, but it's current state cannot carry the countdown is on. Wednesday is my last day.
Please take note that I will continue posting here...We'll all know (including me)what it is next week.
Buck Up Little Campers
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Cold - only 3 degrees Farenheit
Paper Guy: Hat, scarf, gloves, shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nope
C'mon, this is a part of living in Boston. Frigid temps? No problem. We're built tough. The way people were whining about it on the local news program, you'd think this type of weather never occurred in this area before.
Buck up. Feel alive. I walked to work today wearing a windbreaker. No big deal.
Ok, I lied. I got into my car at 7:02 and after a long pause, a few gurgles, and a engine started. I went back in the house and let it warm up.
Outside of some dude in a van not waiting his turn to take a left at an intersection, a tow truck with a disabled vehicle going super slow in the left lane on Route 28 in Somerville, and peeps from CT not knowing which lane they wanted to be in on Storrow, it was a superb communte.
Oh yeah, and it was cold too...Hooray!
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Cold - only 3 degrees Farenheit
Paper Guy: Hat, scarf, gloves, shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.09
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nope
C'mon, this is a part of living in Boston. Frigid temps? No problem. We're built tough. The way people were whining about it on the local news program, you'd think this type of weather never occurred in this area before.
Buck up. Feel alive. I walked to work today wearing a windbreaker. No big deal.
Ok, I lied. I got into my car at 7:02 and after a long pause, a few gurgles, and a engine started. I went back in the house and let it warm up.
Outside of some dude in a van not waiting his turn to take a left at an intersection, a tow truck with a disabled vehicle going super slow in the left lane on Route 28 in Somerville, and peeps from CT not knowing which lane they wanted to be in on Storrow, it was a superb communte.
Oh yeah, and it was cold too...Hooray!
It's Just Gonna Get Colder
Departure Time: 7:05
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy again. Cold
Paper Guy: Walking backwards on his median.
Shady Gas Price: $2.11
Yelled at other drivers: No, but I communicated using a nonverbal method
Feared for my life: No
Just when I was thinking I have had it easy lately driving to work, I got beeped at today. It was partially my fault, but the dude who beeped was driving a little faster than he should have.
Right around the Harvard Square exit off of Soldier's Field Road heading west (same location of my accident), I heard a 'toot' behind me from a blue Honda Civic.
I guess I had faded into his lane..and he was trying to pass me on the right...
So, I moved over and flipped him off as he passed me... I don't know if he saw what I did, but it felt good.
Arrival Time: 7:46
Weather as I call it: Partly cloudy again. Cold
Paper Guy: Walking backwards on his median.
Shady Gas Price: $2.11
Yelled at other drivers: No, but I communicated using a nonverbal method
Feared for my life: No
Just when I was thinking I have had it easy lately driving to work, I got beeped at today. It was partially my fault, but the dude who beeped was driving a little faster than he should have.
Right around the Harvard Square exit off of Soldier's Field Road heading west (same location of my accident), I heard a 'toot' behind me from a blue Honda Civic.
I guess I had faded into his lane..and he was trying to pass me on the right...
So, I moved over and flipped him off as he passed me... I don't know if he saw what I did, but it felt good.
Crack of Dawn
Departure Time: 6:55
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cold and partly cloudy
Paper Guy: Hat and a scarf wrapped around his head
Shady Gas Price: $2.13
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I got up early today for a few different reasons. 1) I have been a little behind at work. Getting here around 7:30 is great for my productivity. 2) My son woke up at 1AM and wanted nothing else but to play. We played for an hour...and when 2 o'clock rolled around I put him back in his crib and said, "Ok, time for everyone to go back to sleep." at my wife's insistence. He cried for a while...but eventually he understood that it was in fact time to go back to sleep...and did.
Unfortunately, Dad didn't sleep that much between 2 and he got up and started his day early.
It's a good thing that Wednesday is "coffee day" for me. Sunday is a coffee day. All other days, no coffee. Yes, I schedule my coffee intake.
Arrival Time: 7:32
Weather as I call it: Cold and partly cloudy
Paper Guy: Hat and a scarf wrapped around his head
Shady Gas Price: $2.13
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I got up early today for a few different reasons. 1) I have been a little behind at work. Getting here around 7:30 is great for my productivity. 2) My son woke up at 1AM and wanted nothing else but to play. We played for an hour...and when 2 o'clock rolled around I put him back in his crib and said, "Ok, time for everyone to go back to sleep." at my wife's insistence. He cried for a while...but eventually he understood that it was in fact time to go back to sleep...and did.
Unfortunately, Dad didn't sleep that much between 2 and he got up and started his day early.
It's a good thing that Wednesday is "coffee day" for me. Sunday is a coffee day. All other days, no coffee. Yes, I schedule my coffee intake.
A Dusting of Snow
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Clearing skies but some snow to brush off the car
Paper Guy: Snow gear: Scarf and hat
Shady Gas Price: $2.13
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nien
I had to brush off my car before heading to work, which added exactly one minute to my commute. I got in my car and started it at 7:07...but I didn't leave until 7:08. A half inch or so of light snow doesn't take that long to wipe off the car including my car hood, roof, and trunk. I did have to scrape the windshield since there was some ice on it.
I let the rear window defroster take care of the rear window...because it lives for this kind of stuff.
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Clearing skies but some snow to brush off the car
Paper Guy: Snow gear: Scarf and hat
Shady Gas Price: $2.13
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nien
I had to brush off my car before heading to work, which added exactly one minute to my commute. I got in my car and started it at 7:07...but I didn't leave until 7:08. A half inch or so of light snow doesn't take that long to wipe off the car including my car hood, roof, and trunk. I did have to scrape the windshield since there was some ice on it.
I let the rear window defroster take care of the rear window...because it lives for this kind of stuff.
Red Light Blinking
Departure Time: 7:11
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Very light snow
Paper Guy: Dressed for winter with a scarf and hat. No shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.15
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, a little snow was falling this morning. Not too much to slow anyone down, although the beacon on the old Hancock tower was blinking red...which means "snow instead".
I saw Paper Guy stumble a bit on his median. I guess there was just enough snow to make it slippery. Maybe I should revise my previous statement about the effects of the snow on peeps since Paper Guy did have some trouble. He didn't fall down though...he went about his business like nothing happened.
Arrival Time: 7:51
Weather as I call it: Very light snow
Paper Guy: Dressed for winter with a scarf and hat. No shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.15
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, a little snow was falling this morning. Not too much to slow anyone down, although the beacon on the old Hancock tower was blinking red...which means "snow instead".
I saw Paper Guy stumble a bit on his median. I guess there was just enough snow to make it slippery. Maybe I should revise my previous statement about the effects of the snow on peeps since Paper Guy did have some trouble. He didn't fall down though...he went about his business like nothing happened.
Not So Dangerous
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Clouds, maybe a sprinkle of rain here and there. 36 degrees
Paper Guy: Smiling with his hat on
Shady Gas Price: $2.15
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: I wish
I was really expecting some icy roads and treacherous conditions, but nah...just some wet roadways. As I was getting ready this morning, I heard about 7 assorted sirens wail past my I had the impression I would walk out to a frozen hell of swerving cars and downed powerlines.
Have a fun weekend. Watch out for me Monday.
Arrival Time: 7:52
Weather as I call it: Clouds, maybe a sprinkle of rain here and there. 36 degrees
Paper Guy: Smiling with his hat on
Shady Gas Price: $2.15
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: I wish
I was really expecting some icy roads and treacherous conditions, but nah...just some wet roadways. As I was getting ready this morning, I heard about 7 assorted sirens wail past my I had the impression I would walk out to a frozen hell of swerving cars and downed powerlines.
Have a fun weekend. Watch out for me Monday.
Ice On The River
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and a little milder
Paper Guy: N/A
Shady Gas Price: N/A
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I had to take my son to a doctor's appointment in the morning. He's doing well.
Due to the really low temperatures we have had over the past two days, there is a thin layer of ice on the Charles.
Back to the regular stuff tomorrow.
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and a little milder
Paper Guy: N/A
Shady Gas Price: N/A
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I had to take my son to a doctor's appointment in the morning. He's doing well.
Due to the really low temperatures we have had over the past two days, there is a thin layer of ice on the Charles.
Back to the regular stuff tomorrow.
80 Percent
Departure Time: 7:19
Arrival Time: 8:04
Weather as I call it: Cold. 10 degrees cold
Paper Guy: Wrapped up like a gift
Shady Gas Price: $2.17
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I feel 80 percent better than I did yesterday. Don't ask me how I quantified my physical's a long, complicated process.
Peeps on the TV were blabbing and blabbing about the cold temperatures, but I was underwhelmed when I walked out to my car this morning. Yes, I had a sense that there was a stillness to the world as if everything was frozen solid and couldn't move...and the car hestitated a bit before starting...but it was certainly tolerable.
This is what winter is supposed to be like.
Arrival Time: 8:04
Weather as I call it: Cold. 10 degrees cold
Paper Guy: Wrapped up like a gift
Shady Gas Price: $2.17
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I feel 80 percent better than I did yesterday. Don't ask me how I quantified my physical's a long, complicated process.
Peeps on the TV were blabbing and blabbing about the cold temperatures, but I was underwhelmed when I walked out to my car this morning. Yes, I had a sense that there was a stillness to the world as if everything was frozen solid and couldn't move...and the car hestitated a bit before starting...but it was certainly tolerable.
This is what winter is supposed to be like.

Cold Temps
Wah, I'm Sick.
Departure Time: 7:12
Arrival Time: 7:57
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. 30s. A little damp out there.
Paper Guy: MIA
Shady Gas Price: $2.17
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Yeah, I don't feel well. I started to feel crappy on Friday and then it got worse as the days wore on this weekend culminating with a lethargic and chill-ridden MLK day. I only get sick twice a year (on average), and when I do get's pretty bad.
I think I am getting over it. The fluids have been flowing since 6:45 and I have cleaned off my steering wheel, radio, gear shift, lights switch, and window wiper controls. I refuse to take any OTC drugs to relieve my symptoms because I hate the side effects like drowsiness...which isn't good for driving to work.
Arrival Time: 7:57
Weather as I call it: Cloudy. 30s. A little damp out there.
Paper Guy: MIA
Shady Gas Price: $2.17
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Yeah, I don't feel well. I started to feel crappy on Friday and then it got worse as the days wore on this weekend culminating with a lethargic and chill-ridden MLK day. I only get sick twice a year (on average), and when I do get's pretty bad.
I think I am getting over it. The fluids have been flowing since 6:45 and I have cleaned off my steering wheel, radio, gear shift, lights switch, and window wiper controls. I refuse to take any OTC drugs to relieve my symptoms because I hate the side effects like drowsiness...which isn't good for driving to work.
Common Cold,
Boxed In
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Cloudy
Paper Guy: Wearing some snazzy running pants...two stripes on the sides. Pretty good for protecting against winter winds.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Two vans boxed me in on Storrow. The guy in front of me kept braking and braking. Pretty annoying...but it reminds me of this scene:
Ian: You could fold this though.
Nigel: Well, no then it's half the size.
Ian: Not the bread, you could fold the meat.
Nigel: Yeah, but then it, then it breaks up, breaks apart like this.
Ian: No, no, no, you put it on the bread like this, you see
Nigel: But then, if you keep folding it, it keeps breaking...
Ian: Why do you keep folding it?
Nigel: And then you...everyhing has to be folded, and then it's this,
and I don't want this I want large bread so that I can put
Ian: Right
Nigel: then it's like this, this does not work because's all....
Ian: 'cause it hangs out like that?
Nigel: Look...
Ian: Yeah.
Nigel: Would you been holding this?
Ian: No, I don't want to eat...I wouldn't want to put that in my mouth, no
you're right, Nigel, you're right...
Look at the duration of the trip. I think I might have ran a red light to get to work that fast.
Happy Friday. I am off Monday, so check back then...
Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Cloudy
Paper Guy: Wearing some snazzy running pants...two stripes on the sides. Pretty good for protecting against winter winds.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Two vans boxed me in on Storrow. The guy in front of me kept braking and braking. Pretty annoying...but it reminds me of this scene:
Ian: You could fold this though.
Nigel: Well, no then it's half the size.
Ian: Not the bread, you could fold the meat.
Nigel: Yeah, but then it, then it breaks up, breaks apart like this.
Ian: No, no, no, you put it on the bread like this, you see
Nigel: But then, if you keep folding it, it keeps breaking...
Ian: Why do you keep folding it?
Nigel: And then you...everyhing has to be folded, and then it's this,
and I don't want this I want large bread so that I can put
Ian: Right
Nigel: then it's like this, this does not work because's all....
Ian: 'cause it hangs out like that?
Nigel: Look...
Ian: Yeah.
Nigel: Would you been holding this?
Ian: No, I don't want to eat...I wouldn't want to put that in my mouth, no
you're right, Nigel, you're right...
Look at the duration of the trip. I think I might have ran a red light to get to work that fast.
Happy Friday. I am off Monday, so check back then...
She's Bringing Winter Back
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Cold. The liquor store thermometer said 22 degrees!
Paper Guy: Wrapped in a scarf.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Don't you just hate it when your car heater never really gets hot enough? Maybe it's just my problem with the Altima, but some days even when the heat in my car is just doesn't seem hot enough.
I didn't miss winter...still don't.
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Cold. The liquor store thermometer said 22 degrees!
Paper Guy: Wrapped in a scarf.
Shady Gas Price: $2.23
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Don't you just hate it when your car heater never really gets hot enough? Maybe it's just my problem with the Altima, but some days even when the heat in my car is just doesn't seem hot enough.
I didn't miss winter...still don't.
Stop Gating My Tail
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Sunny...colder
Paper Guy: Winter hat and coat
Shady Gas Price: $2.28
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
There was this mom-type person tailgating me through town on the first ten minutes of my drive. I tried to stop her by tapping on my brakes a few times, but there was no end to her reign of terror until she was able to pass me at an intersection where the road split into two lanes (one to turn left and one to turn right).
After she passed me, she ran the red light to turn right...even though it was clearly marked as a "No Turn On Right" intersection.
Maybe Moms should slow down too?
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Sunny...colder
Paper Guy: Winter hat and coat
Shady Gas Price: $2.28
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
There was this mom-type person tailgating me through town on the first ten minutes of my drive. I tried to stop her by tapping on my brakes a few times, but there was no end to her reign of terror until she was able to pass me at an intersection where the road split into two lanes (one to turn left and one to turn right).
After she passed me, she ran the red light to turn right...even though it was clearly marked as a "No Turn On Right" intersection.
Maybe Moms should slow down too?
Fast Moms
Cold Temps Cold Cash
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:58
Weather as I call it: Sunny...but colder...back in the 30s
Paper Guy: Back to the winter gear.
Shady Gas Price: $2,28
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Paper guy made a sale today. His 'client' gave him a dollar bill for the sale...which is probably double what the newspaper's sale price is... From my perspective, Paper Guy made himself a little extra money on that transaction as a tip.
I swear I saw him take the dollar bill, wave it over his head in jubilation, and then slip in into his pouch with a huge grin on his face.
Maybe I am making things up...
Arrival Time: 7:58
Weather as I call it: Sunny...but colder...back in the 30s
Paper Guy: Back to the winter gear.
Shady Gas Price: $2,28
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Paper guy made a sale today. His 'client' gave him a dollar bill for the sale...which is probably double what the newspaper's sale price is... From my perspective, Paper Guy made himself a little extra money on that transaction as a tip.
I swear I saw him take the dollar bill, wave it over his head in jubilation, and then slip in into his pouch with a huge grin on his face.
Maybe I am making things up...
Dark Like Iceland
Departure Time: 7:15
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: It was dark and rainy.
Paper Guy: Green and white umbrella. Tan coat.
Shady Gas Price: $2.28
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Nah
Although it's not as dark as long as it is in Iceland, I did have to tell myself a few times this morning that I was driving in the 7AM hour, not the 7PM hour.
It was dark...and peeps weren't driving with their headlights on. Not a huge deal, but it was hard to them until they were right next to you.
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: It was dark and rainy.
Paper Guy: Green and white umbrella. Tan coat.
Shady Gas Price: $2.28
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Nah
Although it's not as dark as long as it is in Iceland, I did have to tell myself a few times this morning that I was driving in the 7AM hour, not the 7PM hour.
It was dark...and peeps weren't driving with their headlights on. Not a huge deal, but it was hard to them until they were right next to you.
Body Worlds - Sold Out!
Departure Time: 7:12
Arrival Time: 7:56
Weather as I call it: A few clouds...mild again today.
Paper Guy: NO HAT!
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Paper Guy did not wear his winter hat today and from looking at his hair as I drove by him, it appeared that he had taken it off while he was standing on the median. His hair had tell tale signs of "hathead".
The Museum of Science has power, my friends. They have commandeered one of those big construction-grade traffic signs (you know the ones: big orange monstrosities that flash messages through the use of multiple glowing amber bulbs) to display their own warning to the general public.
Instead of a message that you would normally see on this type of sign (Example: Right Lane Closed - Merge Left), they want to let you know that "Body Worlds Sold Out - Reserved Tickets Only".
So, I have two questions:
1. How do I get me one of those?
2. How fast can put the message "Slow Down - Your Mom Is Worried About You" on it?
Arrival Time: 7:56
Weather as I call it: A few clouds...mild again today.
Paper Guy: NO HAT!
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Paper Guy did not wear his winter hat today and from looking at his hair as I drove by him, it appeared that he had taken it off while he was standing on the median. His hair had tell tale signs of "hathead".
The Museum of Science has power, my friends. They have commandeered one of those big construction-grade traffic signs (you know the ones: big orange monstrosities that flash messages through the use of multiple glowing amber bulbs) to display their own warning to the general public.
Instead of a message that you would normally see on this type of sign (Example: Right Lane Closed - Merge Left), they want to let you know that "Body Worlds Sold Out - Reserved Tickets Only".
So, I have two questions:
1. How do I get me one of those?
2. How fast can put the message "Slow Down - Your Mom Is Worried About You" on it?
Sneeze Attack
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Clear, sunny, warm
Paper Guy: Brown winter hat and shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I had the biggest sneeze attack on Storrow today. I was a little frightened about taking my eye of the road for the split second they were closed for each sneeze (Four of them in total, I counted).
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Clear, sunny, warm
Paper Guy: Brown winter hat and shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
I had the biggest sneeze attack on Storrow today. I was a little frightened about taking my eye of the road for the split second they were closed for each sneeze (Four of them in total, I counted).

El Nino in Boston
Departure Time: N/A
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and warm
Paper Guy: N/A
Shady Gas Price: N/A
Yelled at other drivers: Nah.
Feared for my life: Nah.
I went to work late. I know all you skiers and snow sport fanatics aren't liking it, but 50 degrees in January is rocking like Dokken.
Ok, maybe rocking a little better than that.
Arrival Time: N/A
Weather as I call it: Sunny and warm
Paper Guy: N/A
Shady Gas Price: N/A
Yelled at other drivers: Nah.
Feared for my life: Nah.
I went to work late. I know all you skiers and snow sport fanatics aren't liking it, but 50 degrees in January is rocking like Dokken.
Ok, maybe rocking a little better than that.
Driving On in 2K7
Departure Time: 7:22
Arrival Time: 8:07
Weather as I call it: Clear and sunny...I am still wearing my Fall jacket.
Paper Guy: Winter hat and a smile
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah..but for a different reason
Feared for my life: No
There was a woman on Storrow Drive that wouldn't get out of the way for an emergency vehicle. An ambulance came right up behind her but she didn't budge...even though she had plenty of room to merge right.
The ambulance had its lights flashing and beeped at her a few times but to no avail.
I yelled, "What's wrong with this person?" Sometimes I wonder aloud.
So, here it is...the graph charting the Shady Gas Price since 9/16/2005:

Is it safe to say we are in for higher prices this spring/summer? Maybe 2007 will be different.
Arrival Time: 8:07
Weather as I call it: Clear and sunny...I am still wearing my Fall jacket.
Paper Guy: Winter hat and a smile
Shady Gas Price: $2.29
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah..but for a different reason
Feared for my life: No
There was a woman on Storrow Drive that wouldn't get out of the way for an emergency vehicle. An ambulance came right up behind her but she didn't budge...even though she had plenty of room to merge right.
The ambulance had its lights flashing and beeped at her a few times but to no avail.
I yelled, "What's wrong with this person?" Sometimes I wonder aloud.
So, here it is...the graph charting the Shady Gas Price since 9/16/2005:

Is it safe to say we are in for higher prices this spring/summer? Maybe 2007 will be different.
Gas Price Chart
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