Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:56
Weather as I call it: Cloudy
Paper Guy: Made a sale!
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Saw a dude in scrubs riding a motorcycle in E. Somerville...must be a summer semester Tufts student...
The interior of my car is starting to smell a little...funky...
I think it's due to the lack of proper ventilation...I called a dealership near my house. They have the master switch I need so I can roll down my driver side window again.
Hey, have a safe and sane 4th of July...more peeps die in car accidents during this holiday than any other...even more than New Year's Eve...or so "they" say.
Eh, be careful.
Yes, driving to work in Boston. Just one man's daily report from the world of morning commuting...
New Slang
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:58
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny for most of my trip
Paper Guy: Shades and buttoned up shirt
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Lots of people were having a hard time staying in their lane today...I didn't mind much. Today is my Wednesday. I work tomorrow and then I am taking Thursday and Friday off...add that to the holiday weekend and it's six days off total...
That's what we call Sweet A!
Arrival Time: 7:58
Weather as I call it: Partly Sunny for most of my trip
Paper Guy: Shades and buttoned up shirt
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Lots of people were having a hard time staying in their lane today...I didn't mind much. Today is my Wednesday. I work tomorrow and then I am taking Thursday and Friday off...add that to the holiday weekend and it's six days off total...
That's what we call Sweet A!
School's Out For Summer
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 7:55
Weather as I call it: Damp...cloudy...72 degrees
Paper Guy: Waved and smiled at somebody driving by...standard summer outfit
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
No school 'til September...which means no buses, no kids, and no ridiculous back-ups in town.
So this weekend was 'fix annoying things in the car' weekend. Yeah, POWER PACKED with EXCITEMENT.
I Krazy Glued my Sirius radio receiver to the dash...Still holding up as of this morning.
The other thing I did was take some compressed air to clean out my power window switches on the driver side door...since it was getting harder to open and close my window with the switch...
Well, I made it worse...Now my driver side window doesn't work at all...thank goodness it is stuck in the closed I don't have to use plastic and duct tape to keep the rain out...
It should be easy peasy to buy a new "master switch" and replace it...but I wouldn't have this problem if I had a manual my forearms would be toned too.
Arrival Time: 7:55
Weather as I call it: Damp...cloudy...72 degrees
Paper Guy: Waved and smiled at somebody driving by...standard summer outfit
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
No school 'til September...which means no buses, no kids, and no ridiculous back-ups in town.
So this weekend was 'fix annoying things in the car' weekend. Yeah, POWER PACKED with EXCITEMENT.
I Krazy Glued my Sirius radio receiver to the dash...Still holding up as of this morning.
The other thing I did was take some compressed air to clean out my power window switches on the driver side door...since it was getting harder to open and close my window with the switch...
Well, I made it worse...Now my driver side window doesn't work at all...thank goodness it is stuck in the closed I don't have to use plastic and duct tape to keep the rain out...
It should be easy peasy to buy a new "master switch" and replace it...but I wouldn't have this problem if I had a manual my forearms would be toned too.
I May Be Old But I Am Wiser
Departure Time: 7:10
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Hazy sunshine
Paper Guy: Summer outfit.
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, there was this teenage guy and who I can assume was his girlfriend...riding around in a mid 90's white Mustang...and they blow a stop sign to pull in front of me.
They just happen to be going the same way I am...I realize this after the fourth intersection we drive I decided to keep my eye on them...
He was driving agressively...and he thought he knew when he took one and then ended up behind me, I chuckled to myself.
When he tried another one and ended up even further behind me...I chortled.
You find the fastest route through experience...trial and keep at it until you find the groove. Very rarely do you find it on a whim...on a first try.
You can't beat me. I've worked too hard for it.
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Hazy sunshine
Paper Guy: Summer outfit.
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, there was this teenage guy and who I can assume was his girlfriend...riding around in a mid 90's white Mustang...and they blow a stop sign to pull in front of me.
They just happen to be going the same way I am...I realize this after the fourth intersection we drive I decided to keep my eye on them...
He was driving agressively...and he thought he knew when he took one and then ended up behind me, I chuckled to myself.
When he tried another one and ended up even further behind me...I chortled.
You find the fastest route through experience...trial and keep at it until you find the groove. Very rarely do you find it on a whim...on a first try.
You can't beat me. I've worked too hard for it.
Two Lanes - Pick One
Departure Time: 7:12
Arrival Time: 7:54
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny
Paper Guy: I think he is wearing his official summer outfit
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Negative
I pick up Storrow Drive at Leverett Circle. There is definitely a "turn only" lane, but the middle lane could be used to turn right onto Storrow since the on-ramp is also two lanes wide. Well, the line of cars in the turn only lane was long and slow. I utilized the middle lane instead..and didn't have any trouble turning right....I may try this method again.
Arrival Time: 7:54
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny
Paper Guy: I think he is wearing his official summer outfit
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Negative
I pick up Storrow Drive at Leverett Circle. There is definitely a "turn only" lane, but the middle lane could be used to turn right onto Storrow since the on-ramp is also two lanes wide. Well, the line of cars in the turn only lane was long and slow. I utilized the middle lane instead..and didn't have any trouble turning right....I may try this method again.
Summer's Here And The Time Is Right
Departure Time: 7:09
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Sunny and much lower humidity...clear skies
Paper Guy: Looking good...same shirt as yesterday
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, no ish today...fine driving conditions.
After I parked the car and started walking towards my work's building, I met up with a co-worker. She stated that her ex-boyfriend had a theory about how women looked while they were driving. According to him, all women fit into 3 cateories:
A. They are singing
B. They look clueless
C. They look bitchy.
Female co-worker said she agreed with his theory. I don't know...The last two are open to broad pun intended...seriously.
Arrival Time: 7:48
Weather as I call it: Sunny and much lower humidity...clear skies
Paper Guy: Looking good...same shirt as yesterday
Shady Gas Price: $2.91
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
So, no ish today...fine driving conditions.
After I parked the car and started walking towards my work's building, I met up with a co-worker. She stated that her ex-boyfriend had a theory about how women looked while they were driving. According to him, all women fit into 3 cateories:
A. They are singing
B. They look clueless
C. They look bitchy.
Female co-worker said she agreed with his theory. I don't know...The last two are open to broad pun intended...seriously.
I Think The Kids Call It "Drifting"
Departure Time: 7:19
Arrival Time: 8:07
Weather as I call it: Less hot...less humid...and less hazy than yesterday
Paper Guy: Another collared shirt..and a good story...see below.
Shady Gas Price: $2.93
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Yes...see below.
1. Paper guy made a sale today...right in front of me...but the difference today, and this is the first time I have ever experienced this with Paper guy...was that traffic was moving.
We had a green light ahead of us and cars were flowing through the intersection. Paper guy was walking on the left side of the road, letting people know he was there. A guy in BMW, which happened to be the next car ahead of me, decided that he needed to buy a paper...he couldn't wait...Paper guy's offer was too he stopped...and the transaction happened...Two quarters for Paper Guy...a nice, crisp Tuesday morning edition of the Herald for the Beemer dude.
After the sale, Paper guy raised his left hand, palm out, and smiled wide as if to tell me and everybody behind me that he was sorry he held up traffic, but he's had a job to do. I smiled and waved back....and I didn't feel one pang of anger as I noticed the traffic light turn from yellow to red.
Paper guy is great.
2. I did something stupid...and I paid for it...
First off, I was passing a van (I HATE vans) on the right...which is illegal.
While I accelarated to pass this slow-moving van, the road curved.
I misjudged the curb and jumped onto the sidewalk.
I felt like I had lost control of the car for a moment, which made my heart race.
I feared for my life....but thankfully...I was able to recover quickly...
No one was harmed...and I am still here blogging.
Arrival Time: 8:07
Weather as I call it: Less hot...less humid...and less hazy than yesterday
Paper Guy: Another collared shirt..and a good story...see below.
Shady Gas Price: $2.93
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Yes...see below.
1. Paper guy made a sale today...right in front of me...but the difference today, and this is the first time I have ever experienced this with Paper guy...was that traffic was moving.
We had a green light ahead of us and cars were flowing through the intersection. Paper guy was walking on the left side of the road, letting people know he was there. A guy in BMW, which happened to be the next car ahead of me, decided that he needed to buy a paper...he couldn't wait...Paper guy's offer was too he stopped...and the transaction happened...Two quarters for Paper Guy...a nice, crisp Tuesday morning edition of the Herald for the Beemer dude.
After the sale, Paper guy raised his left hand, palm out, and smiled wide as if to tell me and everybody behind me that he was sorry he held up traffic, but he's had a job to do. I smiled and waved back....and I didn't feel one pang of anger as I noticed the traffic light turn from yellow to red.
Paper guy is great.
2. I did something stupid...and I paid for it...
First off, I was passing a van (I HATE vans) on the right...which is illegal.
While I accelarated to pass this slow-moving van, the road curved.
I misjudged the curb and jumped onto the sidewalk.
I felt like I had lost control of the car for a moment, which made my heart race.
I feared for my life....but thankfully...I was able to recover quickly...
No one was harmed...and I am still here blogging.
Hungover Drones
Departure Time: 7:19
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: The three 'H's...I don't know how else to describe it...Hazy, Hot, and Humid. One of those low visibility days
Paper Guy: Buttoned up shirt...
Shady Gas Price: $2.93
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Nope
Summer started today...I don't care what the calendar says. I don't care what the weather guys says.
I don't care what the mayor says. I wish it were Christmas today.
Actually, I don't...the hotter the better...
Look at that time! My theory is that most people get late starts on Monday mornings so I miss most of the volume...or maybe lots of peeps call in "sick".
Not sure.
Arrival Time: 7:59
Weather as I call it: The three 'H's...I don't know how else to describe it...Hazy, Hot, and Humid. One of those low visibility days
Paper Guy: Buttoned up shirt...
Shady Gas Price: $2.93
Yelled at other drivers: Nope
Feared for my life: Nope
Summer started today...I don't care what the calendar says. I don't care what the weather guys says.
I don't care what the mayor says. I wish it were Christmas today.
Actually, I don't...the hotter the better...
Look at that time! My theory is that most people get late starts on Monday mornings so I miss most of the volume...or maybe lots of peeps call in "sick".
Not sure.
Time To Get Sirius
Departure Time: 7:19
Arrival Time: 8:02
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny
Paper Guy: A nice solid colored button-up shirt and the shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nope
Pretty good drive today...Summer break for the school children must be starting up by next week.
My satellite radio receiver is leaning over. The glue I used to adhere it to my dashboard has become partially unsticky due to the summer heat...It's kinda dangling there like a loose tooth.
See you Monday...
Arrival Time: 8:02
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny
Paper Guy: A nice solid colored button-up shirt and the shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: Nope
Pretty good drive today...Summer break for the school children must be starting up by next week.
My satellite radio receiver is leaning over. The glue I used to adhere it to my dashboard has become partially unsticky due to the summer heat...It's kinda dangling there like a loose tooth.
See you Monday...
Red Light, Green Light
Departure Time: 7:22
Arrival Time: 8:09
Weather as I call it: Rainy
Paper Guy: The knitted winter hat serves as his rain guard
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah
Feared for my life: Nope
So there was this guy who decided to SLOW DOWN at an intersection while the light was still green...yes, it was about to turn yellow...but there was PLENTY of time for both of us to get through...Plenty.
I just happened to be right behind him as we travelled through two other problems...
At the third one, this dude proceeds to blow through a red light and as I was stopped, I saw him blow through another one....
Did he have something against me? Did he want to first slow me down and then bolt as fast as he could to get away from me?
Arrival Time: 8:09
Weather as I call it: Rainy
Paper Guy: The knitted winter hat serves as his rain guard
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah
Feared for my life: Nope
So there was this guy who decided to SLOW DOWN at an intersection while the light was still green...yes, it was about to turn yellow...but there was PLENTY of time for both of us to get through...Plenty.
I just happened to be right behind him as we travelled through two other problems...
At the third one, this dude proceeds to blow through a red light and as I was stopped, I saw him blow through another one....
Did he have something against me? Did he want to first slow me down and then bolt as fast as he could to get away from me?
Happy (Freak) Flag Day
Departure Time: 7:19
Arrival Time: 8:06
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny and I hear it's going to rain later
Paper Guy: Big smiles and shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
There were two breakdowns today...very weird. One of them was being pushed out of by a state trooper...The other one was stopped in the left lane near Lechmere..driver side door open, hazards on, and people milling about... I had to fight to change lanes...
I spent 42 bucks to fill my gas tank...mainly because I was running on fumes. I think I put over 14 gallons in...and I think the capacity is 15.9...
Arrival Time: 8:06
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny and I hear it's going to rain later
Paper Guy: Big smiles and shades
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
There were two breakdowns today...very weird. One of them was being pushed out of by a state trooper...The other one was stopped in the left lane near Lechmere..driver side door open, hazards on, and people milling about... I had to fight to change lanes...
I spent 42 bucks to fill my gas tank...mainly because I was running on fumes. I think I put over 14 gallons in...and I think the capacity is 15.9...
Tom Waits For No Man
Departure Time: 7:16
Arrival Time: 8:06
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny and warm - 60s
Paper Guy: Slicked back hair and shades
Shady Gas Price: Surprisingly holding steady at $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Man, it was good to get back at it. The worst part was trying to get onto Storrow Drive...which seemed to be caused by some dude selling Boston Heralds for a quarter...Don't people know they can get their papers from the best paper guy in the world in Somerville?
Arrival Time: 8:06
Weather as I call it: Mostly sunny and warm - 60s
Paper Guy: Slicked back hair and shades
Shady Gas Price: Surprisingly holding steady at $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Man, it was good to get back at it. The worst part was trying to get onto Storrow Drive...which seemed to be caused by some dude selling Boston Heralds for a quarter...Don't people know they can get their papers from the best paper guy in the world in Somerville?
Follow the Link
Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Rainy...not too heavy...not too light.
Paper Guy: Rain coat, hat, no shades, plastic on the papers.
Shady Gas Price: $2.97
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Rain slowed me down today...I was so ahead of schedule that it didn't phase me.
Hate to say it, but I am taking two more days off...and I will be back on June 13th...
I leave you with a picture that defines driving in Boston:

and a link for those of you who are true DrivingtoWork fans: Picture Pages!
Arrival Time: 7:49
Weather as I call it: Rainy...not too heavy...not too light.
Paper Guy: Rain coat, hat, no shades, plastic on the papers.
Shady Gas Price: $2.97
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
Rain slowed me down today...I was so ahead of schedule that it didn't phase me.
Hate to say it, but I am taking two more days off...and I will be back on June 13th...
I leave you with a picture that defines driving in Boston:

and a link for those of you who are true DrivingtoWork fans: Picture Pages!
The Number of the Beast
Departure Time: 7:17
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...50's
Paper Guy: Shades and light coat...looking good...I think he got a haircut.
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah...
Feared for my life: No
In town, I met up with an arch-nemesis of mine...well, she wasn't given arch-nemesis status until today...
Now, I have seen this lady before...but she hasn't done anything too crazy to make the blog in the past...
No matter--she makes the blog today not because of one over-the-top dumb thing...but due to the fact that her breadth of work needs to be recognized...I am conscious of her now because her poor driving is consistent. I have definitely encountered this woman about three times in the past. I have come to this realization because her behavior today jogged my memory...Her driving performance is so distinct; there is no question I have been behind her before.
She drives a black SUV (natch) with stickers on the back that display her daughters' names (I suspect) and their affiliation to some school's cheerleading squad...
She likes to pull grand U-Turns right in front of's amazing the turning radius she has...but she goes from a double parked position on the opposite side of the street to turning her SUV around 180 degrees right across the double yellow lines and keeps on driving as if it was a perfectly normal maneuver.
After you get behind her, it's slow going, she slides from one side of the lane to another, she hesitates at green light...she's annoying.
So, hats off to you...Lady friend. May our next encounter be many months from now.
Arrival Time: 8:01
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...50's
Paper Guy: Shades and light coat...looking good...I think he got a haircut.
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yeah...
Feared for my life: No
In town, I met up with an arch-nemesis of mine...well, she wasn't given arch-nemesis status until today...
Now, I have seen this lady before...but she hasn't done anything too crazy to make the blog in the past...
No matter--she makes the blog today not because of one over-the-top dumb thing...but due to the fact that her breadth of work needs to be recognized...I am conscious of her now because her poor driving is consistent. I have definitely encountered this woman about three times in the past. I have come to this realization because her behavior today jogged my memory...Her driving performance is so distinct; there is no question I have been behind her before.
She drives a black SUV (natch) with stickers on the back that display her daughters' names (I suspect) and their affiliation to some school's cheerleading squad...
She likes to pull grand U-Turns right in front of's amazing the turning radius she has...but she goes from a double parked position on the opposite side of the street to turning her SUV around 180 degrees right across the double yellow lines and keeps on driving as if it was a perfectly normal maneuver.
After you get behind her, it's slow going, she slides from one side of the lane to another, she hesitates at green light...she's annoying.
So, hats off to you...Lady friend. May our next encounter be many months from now.
Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday.....
Departure Time: 7:22
Arrival Time: 8:10
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...cooler...drier...55ish...
Paper Guy: MIA...musta been taking a dump at the Dunkin'
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
How about that title? Read it to yourself in a monotone voice...people will think you are crazy...but it will help you to understand how groggy I was today.
With colleges not in session...I think there are less clueless peeps on the roads in the morning...seriously...I can't say the last time I felt frustration...
It's been good....outside of being tired...
Arrival Time: 8:10
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...cooler...drier...55ish...
Paper Guy: MIA...musta been taking a dump at the Dunkin'
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
How about that title? Read it to yourself in a monotone voice...people will think you are crazy...but it will help you to understand how groggy I was today.
With colleges not in session...I think there are less clueless peeps on the roads in the morning...seriously...I can't say the last time I felt frustration...
It's been good....outside of being tired...
How Do You Predict The Weather?
Departure Time: 7:13
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...some light rain in places
Paper Guy: Same outfit as yesterday...he baffles the mind...his clothing does not reflect the weather at all...ponderous, man...ponderous
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
A couple of things: I guess I didn't win Red Sox box seats from the survey I filled out....but then again, how would I know?
If you drive a big truck and you are in the left lane, you better know how to haul *ss...if not, get in the slow lane with grandma.
Arrival Time: 7:53
Weather as I call it: Cloudy...some light rain in places
Paper Guy: Same outfit as yesterday...he baffles the mind...his clothing does not reflect the weather at all...ponderous, man...ponderous
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: No
Feared for my life: No
A couple of things: I guess I didn't win Red Sox box seats from the survey I filled out....but then again, how would I know?
If you drive a big truck and you are in the left lane, you better know how to haul *ss...if not, get in the slow lane with grandma.
June Is Busting Out All Over
Departure Time: 7:20
Arrival Time: 8:05
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...but muggy
Paper Guy: A light (as opposed to heavy) V-neck sweater..and a white button-up collared shirt...weird.
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yes
Feared for my life: No
5 months down in 2006...7 to go.
I yelled at the MBTA bus that didn't pull all the way over to pick up passengers...Dude, get out of the way...
Lots of runners, bikers, rollerbladers, etc now that the weather is warm...and the gas prices are high...
Arrival Time: 8:05
Weather as I call it: Partly sunny...but muggy
Paper Guy: A light (as opposed to heavy) V-neck sweater..and a white button-up collared shirt...weird.
Shady Gas Price: $2.95
Yelled at other drivers: Yes
Feared for my life: No
5 months down in 2006...7 to go.
I yelled at the MBTA bus that didn't pull all the way over to pick up passengers...Dude, get out of the way...
Lots of runners, bikers, rollerbladers, etc now that the weather is warm...and the gas prices are high...
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