
Monday September 19th, 2005

Departure Time: 7:26
Arrival Time: 8:20
Weather: Bright, Sunny, 68 degrees or so.
Paper Guy: Inexplicably wearing the same outfit he wore Friday. I wonder about his weather-reporting accuracy.
Shady Gas Price: Didn't see it today.

  • Old school crossing guards should take courses in crossing the street.
  • There's a place in Somerville where you can take pottery classes...It's called Mudville.
  • I saw this woman wearing a Boston Red Sox tee-shirt with the letter "C" emblazoned on the top left part of the shirt. I remember seeing her last October wearing all Red Sox merchandise the day after they had lost the third game of the American League Championship Series to the New York Yankees. When I saw her last year, I thought to myself..."Are you kidding me? How could you wear that stuff when they are about to get swept?" She never lost faith. I did. She was right. I was wrong. Maybe seeing her again is a good sign.

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