
Minus 10

Yeah, that's what the thermometer said when I left the house. Minus 10.

I hate beating a dead horse, but the temperature is the story. I had to let my car warm up again.

The smokestacks of house burning wood were emitting long smoke chains as I drove through the neighborhoods. They kept climbing and climbing.

Steam was coming out of the sewer grates. You don't tend to see that in the 'burbs.

There appeared to be some water main trouble in the center of Chelmsford today. I didn't see a break, but there were trucks and police directing traffic. It held me up a bit, but not terribly much.


Departure Time: 7:08
Arrival Time: 7:44
Weather as I call it: You know - Frigid.
Shady Gas Price: $1.73 Boo!
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: Nah.

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