
Giving Up Your Seat

Bus Departure Time: 7:05
Bus Arrival Time: 7:20
T Departure Time: 7:23
T Arrival Time: 7:45
Weather as I call it: Sunny and warm. High 50s
Level of commute annoyance (scale of 1 to 10): 3
Feared for my life: No


I took the second bus today because I left the house later than usual. I thought I would take my time and get to the stop just before 7 and still have my choice between the two buses. Apparently, miracles never cease and the first bus came on time today.

Mike and I chatted about the Sox loss and somehow through what I call the transitive property of acquaintances (He talks to this guy and he talks to that guy, so this guy and that guy can talk too) I continued talking to another Sox fan guy while standing on the Orange Line platform.

Both the bus and T were packed today and I had to stand for both rides.

At Chinatown, an elderly man came on the train. A young woman helped him to find a seat and after he sat down, she chided the people who were sitting near the door.

"Why aren't you giving up your seats for the old man?" she asked.

Alas, no one responded.

Overheard On Someone's iPod: I didn't recognize the song, but it sure had a lot of horns playing Latin-tinged melodies.

1 comment:

diaz.isaac said...

people have a very passive nature, and as the little stickers say, if an elderly person asks for the seat, please give it to them. I'm sure if she had asked, the person sitting would have rolled their eyes, but still have given up their seat.